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Why do you think so many Christian fundies support Trump? ?

My theory is this: The fact that they worship an invisible man in the sky means they are gullible and delusional, so they have no difficulty ignoring the facts that Trump is a bigoted, misogynistic, ignorant liar and bully. Like really...he's a known adulterer who has bragged about grabbing women's privates. How the hell can you respect someone like this? I'm an atheist and he disgusts me. So, we can only conclude that his Christian followers are huge hypocrites. 

10 Answers

  • Ralph
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    The fact of the matter: No, the reason why we support Donald Trump, is because he has done more for are country than any passed president in one term, than any president has in two terms, all Obama did was blame Bush the whole time he was in office, oh and he got the shovel ready jobs, that we are still waiting for. Obama will go down as the worse president since president Jimmy Carter, and that is saying something. President Donald Trump will go down as the best president in USA history. Yes, he has his sin, but we all have fallen short of the glory of God The Lord Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior, but who are you to judge him for his sins. Because how you judge a man, you shall be judged for your sins.

    Source(s): King James holy bible
  • 1 year ago

     Thank you all for gaurenteeing 4 more years.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    In a nutshell...because somewhere along the way people became more closely affiliated with their political party than they did their faith.


    Trump was raised by the Republican Party as their candidate & DJT uttered a few catch phrases which tickled the ears of the religious right so they exalted him into office.


    Hence, Trump can do no wrong.


    Quote by Billy Graham in 1981:  “It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it.“

  • Tim
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    At least Trump is not for killing babies and spending my tax dollars to enable those that do.

  • Archer
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    They don't actually "worship" as you present it. They do however see the idiocy in the Democratic party being displayed every day which you are apparently ignorent of or chose to ignore.

  • 1 year ago

    It's all due to an act of the God you don't believe in that modern science can now prove exists through mistranslated scriptures by mankind that make up the first five Books of The Bible due to our lack of scientific knowledge to properly interpret the advanced scientific knowledge contained in this ancient Biblical text that didn't originate from the unscientific minds of ancient man. I know all this because I am the one who discovered it. 

    Source(s): The God Yahweh our Intelligent Designer and the missing link in the chain of evolution and is the single common ancestor of all life on earth.
  • 1 year ago

    They haven't succumbed to TDS.

    Attachment image
  • 1 year ago

    Cos they're stupid, selfish misogynists, without empathy

    Just like bibel-god and Trump.


  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Mr. Trump is the undisputed king of the so-called "dog whistle". He signals indirectly to the racists, sexists, and religious bigots among his constituents without ever quite saying what they believe him to be saying.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 year ago

    Because Trump is one of the three fundamental Christian gods, and the centerpiece of the entire Christian worldview.


    To be a Christian intrinsically MEANS to be a supporter of Trump. They could not, even in principle, fail to support him while simultaneously claiming Christian identity.

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