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Am I worrying too much when my wife says I'll have to wait for sex till the weekend?

Due to the current situation I am not working but she is. Her job is highly physical, so when she comes home at night she is physically exhausted. A few times this week she has rejected my attempts to initiate sex saying she is tired. I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THIS, before anyone thinks I am complaining. I totally understand, and I immediately back off and just hold her while she rests from her day.

The problem is that last night she said "you'll have to wait for the weekend when I am more energetic". This is where my issue comes in - the way she worded it makes me feel like if we do have sex on the weekend it will only be for me since I am the one who "waited" for it. I would very much rather we only have sex when we are both into it. Am I worrying too much about this? I really do not want to put pressure on her in general, but in this situation, she is an abuse survivor and I never want to make her feel she HAS to "deliver". Should I let the weekend go by without initiating? I'd hate to think that she now feels "right, I turned him down twice this week, so we HAVE to do it this weekend. Poor guy's been so respectful, he deserves something"

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Random, but I love the way you explained this!  The problem is, nobody here can guess what's in her mind. It does sound like you're overthinking it, but it doesn't matter, because this is the wrong question. 

    What's obvious to me is the 2 of you don't have good communication on this and sex always starts with good communication.  With the abuse in her background, it's even more important.  However, it might make it easier to address.

    Talk to her.  Emphasize you love her, you'll always be patient blah blah, BUT she needs a better system for letting you know where she's at.  This is mostly about letting you know if she needs space.  More importantly, she needs to let you know when she doesn't, either by word or actions.  No spouse should ever be in the position of wondering if it's ok to jump his wife this weekend.  You're in limbo. 

    Try to talk this through, because everything you'd be saying to her is positive type stuff.  It's just that you need more guidance from her on how to tell when she's feeling more confident or energetic.  If you had this in place, you wouldn't be asking the question.  Hopefully, this will lead to better communication on her end, because there are better ways for her to say it than what she did here.  Your reaction to her wording is very understandable.

  • Anonymous
    1 year ago

    Dude, you’re overthinking this.  I’ve been married for 30 years, so listen...  Your wife wants to have sex with you, trust me, but she also doesn’t want to get so exhausted she gets sick or gets fired.  Woman have an ability (more so than men) to prioritize things and to plan.  I guarantee you she’s thinking about being taken by you this weekend in the back of her mind, like I said, women are much better at putting work first and fun later, (delayed gratification) so be prepared for the week and take the initiative.  Get some candles plenty of scented lube, extra batteries and have at it.  This corona BS has been a great excuse for me and my wife to really have a second chance at youth, we’ve been locked up and going at it like teenagers some days.

    Have a great weekend.  

  • 1 year ago

    You want to have a lot of sex - like most men. Not to make love with the woman you love, just "have sex". So she gets home exhausted, do you cook for her? Expect her to cook? Do you offer to give her a lovely relaxing massage? (Which could possibly lead to sex, but do it for her rather than to get yourself off). Run her a nice bath and wash her neck gently? From behind in the bath, perhaps...…? Do you give her what she wants, or just tell her what you want?

    Reading books like Dr Phil McGraw's excellent Relationship Rescue helps to give us deeper insights into how relationships work. (I wish I got commission, as I recommend it to so many people!). As he writes in the book, it isn't only or people whose relationships are in trouble. There are other excellent books, of course.  

    I don't quite understand what there is actually to worry about.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 year ago

    I get what you are saying. Tell her what you just told us, (basically that you don't want her pity sex, tell her your concerns) then politely reject her offer at the weekend and wait for her to initiate it without being guilted.

    If you are having difficulty with her sex drive, maybe find it somewhere else. On the down low of course. Guilt sex is bad sex, and you don't have to settle for bad sex.

  • 1 year ago

    Yes, you're over thinking on pretty much every level. 

    It's entirely possible she meant that she wants to enjoy it too and thus wants to wait until she has more energy to put into it for the both of you. 

    And if she feels pity for you and repays your "respect" with sex, wow, that's a whole other situation. I hope that is not the case because yikes. 

    My husband also has a very physical job so I wait for a sign that he's energetic enough, haha, and then we proceed accordingly. For example, I might give him a neck and shoulder massage and depending on how he responds, he might fall asleep or...he might not...

    Like you, I understand the physical toll and wouldn't want to pressure him, partly because rejection isn't any fun either...

    But because it's fun to have something to look forward to, you could give her a nice foot rub or something sometime this week and say you're excited to spend "quality time" together this weekend, wink wink. Make it a conversation and ask what she'd like to happen, and see what you could do to take care of her. Draw her a nice bath with lavender epsom salts, a few of wine...offer to rub her neck and shoulders...

    But then you have to pounce pretty quickly because that combination always puts my husband right to sleep, lollll. 

    Anyway, good luck, hope that helps. 

  • 1 year ago

    youre worried to much, shes exhausted sex when your tired isnt fun, just be patient

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