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Nathan asked in Dining OutVietnamDa Nang · 12 months ago

Does the FBI take any reports of an suicidal or an homicidal person seriously?

So I have bipolar and schizophrenia and I posted a rant earlier talking about I became suicidal and homicidal. I was being treated poorly by my friends and so I posted online threatening to kill them at a mall. Someone said that they reported me to the FBI and said that they've reported all of my previous rants to the FBI as well. I'm mentally ill and I'm not a danger to anyone, I just have episodes where I fly off the handle. Would the FBI take their reports seriously ???

5 Answers

  • Judy
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Th FBI would not take those reports period.

  • Walt
    Lv 6
    11 months ago

    your friends are full of it. you don't report this FBI you report it to local police

  • ?
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    Yep.    Look for the police to show up as soon as one of your friends report it to the police.

  • Anonymous
    12 months ago

    Not autistic today Jacob? Anyway, yes the FBI take threats of mass shootings seriously and conspiring to commit an act of terror will get you banged up for the rest of your life. Admitting your plans on yahoo answers is the most stupid thing you could have done. lol

  • ?
    Lv 7
    12 months ago

    Homicide at a mall? YES, They would take that very seriously. If you are that mentally ill that you pose a threat to large groups of people then you are commit-able to an institution. And saying later that you didn't mean it doesn't take away the fact that in a moment of rage you COULD go shoot up a mall. Saying your not a danger to anyone is the direct opposite of saying your going to kill everyone. Which one is true? No one knows but you and you admit your word cannot be trusted because of mental illness. The FBI doesn't care about suicide but they do care about murder.

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