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Is anyone else sickened & disgusted when a politician suddenly acquires an accent, depending on their audience?

like Biden & Killary acquiring a blaccent, or Killary acquiring a southern drawl?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Democrats are racists. Especially white ones.

    If some one says they are italian they immediatly start talking down to them in a New York gumbah type accent and deep voice.

    Or if some one is not white, they change how they talk and behave.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    Only ignorant losers call people names like Killary. Fn conspiracy theorists think you can murder 5000 people and there won't be any witnesses, what a bunch of idiots.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    Pandering is the democrat way to conduct politics. What's amazing is, that more voters aren't able to see it. Then again, all elections are advance auctions on stolen goods. So, if the politician is willing to pander to his voters, they believe it will result in better swag.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    We call those politicians, liberals.

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