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What is the logic to ban guns because the police will protect you but at the same time defund and disarm the police?

I’m trying to understand the logic of the modern day progressive liberal where they all want guns be banned and a lot of them want guns to be confiscated; that private citizens should not be allowed to own any guns because the police will be there to protect them yet at the same time openly calling for the funding and disarming the police as well. I do not understand such logic maybe you progressive liberals can explain to me how we should not be allowed to defend ourselves and the ones that you say should defend it should not be allowed to protect themselves either let alone us.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Nobody ever accused Liberals of thinking things through very well.

  • 11 months ago

    The logic to banning guns is not so that the police will protect you.

    It is so that you will not need to be protected.

    You won't have to protect yourself, and you won't need them to protect you either, because there won't be as much danger to protect against.

    You must be American, because pretty much the entire rest of the world understands this and nearly every other industrialized democracy has largely eliminated the need for protection through adequate gun laws.

  • 11 months ago

    I’m generally liberal and don’t want guns to be banned- in fact I want citizens to have equal access to military grade weapons that are available to the police

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    There is no logic to that. Thanks for bringing this up. I need to do some more reading.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    You don’t understand the logic of nobody with a gun. And you wonder why the world is laughing at you!!!

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    There is no figuring out their logic because they EMOT, they don't think.  

    The SAME people who were saying that peaceful protesters protesting the lockdowns were killing grandma, have also defended RIOTERS who have killed even though those rioters weren't all wearing their masks. 

    The same people telling you that police are evil and that the government is currently run by Hitler (Trump) are literally saying that the government is so trustworthy, that you don't and will never need a gun to defend yourself. 

    These RIDICULOUS claim and absurdly illogical EMOTING by the left is not reasonable or rational.  

    THIS is why the left is for BANNING people and content. 

    The left who CLAIMS to hate corporations, gets ALL of their news from corporations AND wants the largest corporations (Big Tech) to CENSOR people based upon... POLITICS.  You want to say that Trump needs to bring in the military to stop the RIOTS (not stop the protests, only stop the riots) ... and the left wants you banned. 

    If you, however, want to rap about pimping out women and beating them up if they don't give you their money... well that needs to be protected according to the left. 

    This is not to say I would censor gangster rap music. I would not. It is to say that if singing about pimping out women and beating them is not "dangerous" material, then I nothing they want to ban is dangerous. 

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    The police are overwhelmed with the riots, looting, and arson.

    You are on your own.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    11 months ago

    No logic. All gun arguments are based on naivité. Note that in police shootouts, most bullets miss their target.

  • Anonymous
    11 months ago

    Police  only  report the mess after  you are  killed

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