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Anonymous asked in Dining OutVietnamHoi An · 11 months ago

Anyone else have an annoying roommate problem?

I’ve been sharing this house with my best friend since 3rd grade and we’re about to start college soon. Don’t get me wrong, he IS my best friend, but he can be very annoying. For example, every time he gets something to eat, he ALWAYS comes in my room and eats. He doesn’t go in the kitchen or in his room. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, whether I’m sleeping, making out with my gf, or jerking off. He always has to be in my room when he eats a meal. And he eats loud as f*ck and he constantly smacks his lips.

4 Answers

  • Just because you're friends doesn't mean you should live together.  It's why I live alone.

  • 10 months ago

    You should get a lock on your door

  • 11 months ago


  • ?
    Lv 5
    11 months ago

    Generally family and friends don't make good roommates.  Things are always different once you around them all the time.  You notice things you probably wouldn't have before.  

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