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peter m asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 9 months ago

Why do subjective philosophers believe in their closed type "love of wisdom" but find it hard to believe in any knowledge^ within any ?

 philosophy or any philosophy Category^ ?

 They chase-fame (their-love-of-wisdom) but DO NOT contribute to it...


 Do they hate free and open critical philosophy that much, giving

 even more blatant "spin" when they murmur that philosophy uses

 "THE critical Method" ?  (as general SPIN & BLUFF).. ?

  Is this why they here CANNOT WRITE ABOUT and give philosophy

  knowledge of, 

 "Environmental Philosophy ?    





  ^ they never quote sources, even modern sources (like Yuval Noah

     Harari or Robert Sapolsky both while not being teachers of philosophy

     or it's history have MUCH TO SAY ON philosophy) ?

     Is this because they are "philosophy spinners" pandering to false

     psychology "perspectives" and "views" ; like the well known and

     DISCREDITED Sociology philosophers of the last century ?

     (Habermas, Husserl and other "passive worms" see critic Camille Paglia)




Update 2:

K, Just for reference "our Question" or-just-mine of How to first distinguish

     between (bad inferior) Dawinian Selection but better Intelligent design 

     we can refer DS (=DarwinSelect) as in a SYNTACTICAL language

     whereas the better language of  I.D. should be formulated in

     a-more-objectively-meaningful SEMANTIC language. 

     I don't know Exactly what the difference is.. just that these two comparable

     languages will be able to do the actual descriptive task of  

Update 3:

describing two seemingly DIFFERENT knowledge-finding Categories

1) of biology and 2) of philosophy. Where these ground-breaking

languages both can and will show that biological Selection can

be covered by BOTH languages but that intelligent Design can

only be covered & described in the one semantical language.

Of course we must always ask why?

That will be ascertained better when when they are both described

in their respective languages.

3 Answers

  • 9 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    The etymology of philosophy—philo (fraternal love) 

    Soph (wisdom.)

    Literally It means the love of wisdom, literally.  What I see as wise or love is subjective to my lens.  


    That being said—objective ideas have consistency in meaning.  And I believe it was Yuval Noah  Harari who said, “consistency is the playground of dull minds.”  

    I am cherry picking quotes here because Etymology gets me feisty and to quote Sapolsky, “Testosterone makes people cocky and egocentric and narcissistic.”   


    Sapolsky might also suggest I’m being cheeky because I believe in grace over karma.  It makes me tolerant Of subjectivists and perhaps more prone to crime?  


    All kidding aside, I agree we need room for new minds—and why shouldn’t a neuroscientists insights, bring as much punch as some Greek philosophers sitting on a hill talking about freedoms that are only For a small population of free men?  


    Carry on. 

     @@@@in lieu of comments—(yeesh YA)   Peter, I just wanted to say I literally plucked those quotes off of Goodreads so I couldn’t tell you the context, I literally was just being a little funny and proving your point that they have interesting and important  things to say.   I found I wanted to read Sapolsky more about forgiveness vs wrath of God and how that affected culture because I needed context.

    Objectivity takes discipline, criteria, design. I feel like I have ADD right now—objectivity and focus are needed.  We could really use a rubric.  

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    Despite their being philosophers, their reasoning and preferences would actually be better addressed in the Psychology forum. One would have to analyze the psycholgical makeup of each one. It is doubtful that there is a one size fits all explanation. 

  • 9 months ago

    Well yes I will try to carry on.

    I don't know exactly why Noah Harari said that, if it was a slight against

    objective philosophy-or-not ; hard to tell sometimes.

    Anyway I am pretty sure that objectivity is the way to go, and at least it

    does hold out promise for people to learn-from-their mistakes.. as I and

    others were taught and for myself I am confident that virtually to a man

    (or woman) No subjective philosopher has been able-to- fathom let alone

    try it here.

    But to tell you the truth after years of trying virtually alone I am not about

    to labour the point.. subjective's can carry on "loving their naive views of

    wisdom" as long as they don't get above themselves & think that it all is


    For I've made some more of a breakthrough in the stated aim of going

    (well) beyond Darwinism and into the better realm of Intelligent design.

    Putting philosophy^ on a more critical & rationally environmental

    foundation which can capture both the authoritative past ("the Origin of life")

    and an emerging (authoritative) future (the aim of life^^).

    And this problem puts all others in perspective... for me a resetting of

    the turgid and stale philosophy that has not only pervaded the history

    of Ideas but also our knowledge gaining system generally.

    So to carry on with the idea of Sapolsky quoting Chemistry I'd say too

    that any philosopher-worth-his-salt should say that he (Sapolsky)

    would be better saying that, 

    "BEHAVIOURISM makes people cocky and egocentrically narcissistic.."

    (and there will be some more of that once I get going with that solution

     above. And which of course without Robert S's help nothing like that

     could have been achieved so to speak.

     For Professor Sapolsky is a brilliantly wonderful teacher, hopefully more

     people ESPECIALLY philosophers and willing students can come to

     see that ; I mean of course for The OBJECTIVITY because that is what

     this is all about as you my friend allude-to, though you might pardon me

     when saying that If you knew what-was-as-stake you may well 

     have-a-go at resetting your (lens) problem where philosophy may 

     be better focussed on that wisdom-and-beauty (or on wisdom-and-love,) 

     But definition-ism luckily passed at least one student in the History of

     Ideas many years ago and though it could return it for me will never

     gain the notoriety that it once had in philosophy. Or so in any other

     useful discipline (meant sincerely too!).

     Possibly coinciding with "that breakthrough" above my health may be

     returning bodily-wise.. so I will be in touch as that continues.

     Ps that 1st note ^ refers to Objective philosophy only,

     my 2nd ^^ refers to specifically philosophy analysis of such an Aim or

     aims. Where I have written extensively about such elsewhere here.

     And after some years and years of my objective philosophy and

     history-of-Ideas failings see a beautifully prospective I came across

     a novel not so much new as a wonderful goldmine of info in

     "Conjectures and refutations" concerning Philosophy resetting (&

      what does takes me back to a mathematical pictogram I remember

      of something similar with wave interactions..). watch this space! 

     Added thanks for your addition K... unfortunately I jus wrote you a

     very long addition -all about "critical rationalism" in philosophy in 

     respect of your more below.. pressd wrong button & it's lost.

     very Sorry (a wasted hour !)

     Never mind as long as you continue to SEARCH and to try to

     continue to look upon some of the more useless stuff here in yahoo

     philosophy as-so-much subjectivity then I don't think that you or

     anyone else will go "far wrong" so to speak.

     for me I have that Q. where Darwinian Selection is holdin us all

      back inc children & so it should be put-to-bed and even sapolsky

      should revert back to biological psychology and "behavioural biology"

      so to speak. So yes I think I have made enough progress in Intelligent

      Design to finish off that Theory (!) (and to replace it with "Intelligent

      objective Design" or "Intelligent progressive Design"

      {... because THAT's what-it-is so to speak!}

      Anyway at this late hour I must make sure I press the blue button

     and DEFINITELY Not the WHITE one !        

    Source(s): authoritative philosophy of "expanding scope" so to speak. (this is all new so do bear-with-me!)
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