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? asked in PetsCats · 9 months ago

My cat has diarrhea. What should I do?

My cat is 6 years old and a fussy eater. When I moved house, she refused food for a couple days and occasionally will refuse food if it isn't up to her standards (fish flavours only). We've had her on a wet food diet for about a month after being on kibble her whole life with occasional wet treats, and besides the aforementioned pickiness she hasn't had any troubles up until now.

This evening, I thought she had a particularly smelly poop but when I went to check her litterbox I noticed she'd had a diarrhea accident on the floor. She's never had diarrhea before. Is this something I should immediately be taking her to the vet for? Or should I wait a couple days to see if it stops on its own? What should I do?


In case anyone's curious, I did a little research and decided to fast her for 12 hours and then feed her a bland diet for a few days. If it doesn't stop I'll be taking her to the vet.

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    See the vet and ask them for a diet which is just more appropriate for the needs of hers. 

    Good luck!:)

    Source(s): Reality.
  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    First of all, you need to give her decent canned food.  NO fish based foods - fish can cause many problems  like loose stools, liver/kidney damage and does not have taurine which is essencial to reprevent yellow fat disease and blindness.

    Get her on a chicken, beef, turkey canned food diet.  No more fish.  Smelly poop is a sign of a poor fish diet.  DO NOT FAST A CAT.  She is more likely to be sicker.  Call the vet if she's not better tomorrow.

  • 9 months ago

    I have heard chocolate is bad for animals.  Anyway, I have a cat with that problem, the vet said to give her Miralax or store brand, it is suppose to be good for that as well as constipation flavor to it either so you can put it on top of their food so they get it right away.

  • 9 months ago

    Feed her chocolate

  • Anonymous
    9 months ago

    see how she goes for the next few days. Diarreah can be caused by the food they are eating or something else.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 months ago

    Wait a few days and it most likely will stop, if not, then you go see a vet. Could be a hairball or something. Try giving your cat some grass to eat.

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