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CHEMOTHERAPY.  Side effects?

Starting mine next week.   Any tips, any help appreciated.   What side effects did you have ?     THANKS

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    I have just never had cancer whatsoever.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    I am sure that you did a lot of research and decided the best for you. I wouldn't do modern treatments...Never. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    Depends on the type of chemo you are doing.   The Dr. should have told you about the likely side effects.   In addition you may not have the same side effects as another person.

    In general you may want to take a few things with you depending on how long the treatments last.  If you are on the IV type of chemo then the treatments could last for a few hours.  You may want to bring something to read or a tablet to play games/watch videos as a distraction.   Bring something to drink, bottle of water or what ever.   Some people get chilled but at most hospitals they will have warmed blankets available. 

    As I said the treatments vary quite a bit.   Mine takes about a half an hour once a month on Opdivo.

  • Anonymous
    8 months ago

    I had a cocktail of three chemos, delivered together by a nurse in a hazmat suit. I was given  prescriptions for nausea etc but never used them. I saw an oncologist and gave blood for tests each time I went.

    I think I did well because I took myself to the city and walked across to the hospital. It kept me busy.

    There were some women there doing the chemo therapy on their lunch hours.

    After the last session, someone took me out to lunch.

    I am still cancer free, nine years later.

  • 8 months ago

    Depends on the type of chemotherapy.

    There are hundreds of different treatments.

    Your oncologist should explain your likely and possible side effects when discussing your treatment plan with you.

    Hair loss was my most challenging side effect. Particularly eyelashes, nasal hair and ear hair. Bugs and dust are annoying.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    8 months ago

    depends for what.............

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