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Anonymous asked in Consumer ElectronicsGames & GearPlayStation · 7 months ago

Is it worth spending $1500 on a TV to pair with your nex-gen console?

A couple years ago, I was nervous spending nearly $250 on a 4k smart tv, lol. I pre-ordered a PS5 and now I'm like "I don't want to play this on this piece of crap". 

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    no, you would constantly be upgrading consoles and tvs. Invest that money instead and when you are rich, sure splurge!

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    why not spend $1500 on 1500 $1 cheap calculators instead, and then sell those for $1.75 each ?

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    no, you would constantly be upgrading consoles and tvs. Invest that money instead and when you are rich, sure splurge!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    6 months ago

    It depens on how important it is to you, and how much money you have availably to spend.

  • 7 months ago

    It ultimately depends.... if it has a feature that just came out, then maybe.

    But if you’re just buying it for casual usage, then no. 

    Generally a 4K TV that only costs fraction of that price would work just as fine. That way, you can spend the rest of that money you saved on the games you wanna buy if next gen consoles is what you’re aiming for. 

  • 7 months ago

    It is a matter of personal opinion/ preference

  • Lance
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    Its pretty much a value judgement on your part. Some people would feel its worth it others maybe not..If its a really great TV and has great specs it might be worth it It can be worth it but not necessarily so. A lot depends on what else is available and what unique traits it might have that other Tv's do not have etc...

  • Dze
    Lv 7
    7 months ago

    imo 'no' and i prefer a more reserved screen size for gaming myself ..

  • 7 months ago

    Just look for a tv that can handle 4k at 120fps and you'll be fine.  You'll be fine with 4k at a lower refresh rate also...  

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    You must be 12 years old. No mature adult plays video games.

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