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So the media for 3 and a half years were wrong and got caught lying to smear trump on Russian collusion. Who thinks the polls are wrong?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    ha ha, Dominick.  Rodcom called you a 'snowflake Karen.'  

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    Americans have watched Democrats burn cities down for the last 6 months. Americans have seen dozens of people murdered during these Democrat riots. Tens of millions of Americans are banned from earning a living because of Democrat lockdowns. Tens of millions of children are having their education wrecked by Democrat supporting Teachers' Union. Democrats are seeking hundreds of billions of Dollars in tax payers' money to pay off their debts and to benefit their donors while Democrats are supposed to be negotiating a new rescue package to help desperate Americans. Democrats are passing Unconstitutional laws that are being struck down by State's Supreme Courts and yet the polls would have Americans believe that the majority of Americans want Democrats to run the country. Today in Yuma, Biden drew a crowd of supporters totalling barely 50 people. Last week Biden held a car rally for supporters where 4 vehicles showed up. President Trump goes to hospital and hundreds of local people wait outside to show their support but yeah Biden is beating President Trump because the polls say he is. That must be why Democrats are back to their desperate talk about impeaching President Trump or for the 25h Amendment to be activated.

  • Anonymous
    7 months ago

    And at least that long Obama was being attacked for his birth certificate.  At least that long, there were inquiry after inquiry to keep Benghazi current for the next election.

    Why do you idiots think that normal politics is picking on Trump?

    It is not.  Stop being such snowflakes Karen.

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