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? asked in Consumer ElectronicsCamcorders · 6 months ago

which iphone 12 ?

im looking to upgrade to an iphone 12 mini, 12, 12 pro, 12 pro max. however im not sure which is best for me. i want the fastest best picture quality for movies/tv shows and other entertainment audio quality. im not interested in the camera or lidar it comes down to proformance and how the screen looks for content basically everything but the camera, size, memory, stainless steel frame. if they all have the same speed and screen quality for entertainment id go with the mini to save money

5 Answers

  • 5 months ago

    Visit this website for help

    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    Fastest? All share the same processor.

    Best picture quality for movies/tv shows? The Pro models get brighter displays & the Pro Max has the biggest display out of them all, if those points matter.

    Only the Pro models have the stainless steel frame.

    Kinda sounds like the iPhone 12 Pro should be the one to go for.

  • P
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    The only notable difference between the pro and the regular is the pro has a 3rd zoom lens and a lidar scanner.   The two main cameras, processor, and screen is the same.   The mini is small and the iPhone 12 is the same size as the Pro.  If you want a really big screen the Pro Max is the only way to get it.    The mini would be way too small for me, since I read a lot on my phone but for others they might want something more compact. The regular iPhone 12 has all the features you could want. 

  • 6 months ago

    Don't buy any phone that costs more money than you make in one day.    

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    Go big. I like smaller phones but watching video on them is like staring at a postage stamp.

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