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Anonymous asked in TravelAfrica & Middle EastEgypt · 6 months ago

Me and my girlfriend are planning a trip to Egypt after COVID. As a white man and woman, are we going to face racism by the locals?

Me and my girlfriend will both stand out there becouse of our skin color, and travelling to a third world country begs the question if we should be prepared for any kind of harassment or discrimination by the egyptians.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Are you going to visit or live there? If you're just visiting, you'll be surrounded by other tourists from all over the world. Americans get preferential treatment in a lot of places because they think we're all rich. And yes, they will know you're American. The only harassment might be vendors wanting to sell you things. There used to be places in Egypt where ONLY foreigners could go- casinos and bars. I don't know if that's still true.

    One caveat- Muslim countries are not happy about unmarried couples sharing hotel rooms. They may not ask for a marriage license, but it would hurt to pretend you're married. And while the major tourist areas of Egypt are somewhat use to Westerners dressing in a more provocative way, it would be nice and respectful not to wear tank tops, short shorts, torn jeans or crop tops. I have given up on trying to persuade Americans not to wear flip flops to walk around rough, cobbled streets in other countries. If you break your ankle, I'm sure you'll be thrilled with the health care. 

  • G. #2
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    No,no racism.

    Harrassment, sure, you're a walking wallet in our eyes ;)

  • 3 months ago

    other countries embrace all you should enjoy your vacation. racism only exist in america.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    Just don't go there acting like the ignorant American abroad and you'll be fine.  Your GF needs to NOT dress like a whore.  She will need to get a sarong and learn how to tie a hijab and DO SO when you're out and about.  It's RESPECT for their culture.  If ever asked to cover up, do so without issue.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Nope you won’t. They love tourists and accommodate for them hugely. It’s Dubai you have to worry about and not for the racism but the laws! 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    umm nope. there is no way you will face racism as you are a white  foreign. It's quite the opposite, the thing is, you don't know that the discrimination is for your side, not the other locals. harassments might happen as Egypt is commonly known for this case, and this might happen no matter what your race is. Visit the places where it is known for tourism, not the sh***y neighborhoods.

  • 5 months ago

    Certainly not you are most welcomed

    Source(s): I am Egyptian
  • 6 months ago

    Egypt is a huge tourist destination. I doubt they'll even give you a second look.

  • 6 months ago

    I thumb-up Vela, but Egyptians love Americans and NEED tourism. A lot of racism ends at the USA borders, be they Canadian, Mexican, or one of the oceans. Good ol' home-grown American racism.

  • Vela
    Lv 6
    6 months ago

    put a Canada or UK patch on your backpacks.  Trump made most of the world hate Americans, again 

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