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Do you trust mail-in ballots? Why or why not?

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    6 months ago

    I trust mail in ballots that seem honest. I don't trust them if hundreds of thousands for only ONE candidate CONVENIENTLY APPEAR in like 15 minutes. In several battleground states. To me, that says "go over every one of these ballots with a fine toothed comb.". 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    6 months ago

    In the 1988 election I walked into my voting place and was promptly told, there was an absentee ballot in my name, so I could not vote. They told me nothing could be done.

    I'm in Ma, blue of the blue, everyone knows the d will win, not a swing state, not an important state in the scheme of things. Yet even here yesterday, reports of people being turned away from the booths becouse there where mail in ballots out, in their names. As of this morning, those reports were in the triple digits. While some said yes, they had a mail in but never mailed it. Many more stated they never applied for one. This of course, can not and does not prove in mail in fraud, but it  should warrant investigation in the very least. If this is happening in a state that does not matter, how much is going on in states that do, or where known issues with mail in ballots is already the case?

  • Matt
    Lv 6
    6 months ago

    Until this year (when he made it into a political issue), Donald Trump, his family and most of his own administration voted by mail-in ballot. Does that answer your question?

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