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Lv 6

Why do the religious block atheists, and often make outrageous claims about what we say?

I'll ask it again. Why to the religious, or those anonymous trolls who pretend to be religious, ask questions of atheists and block them so they can't reply? The answer of course is to try and show the other brainwashed that we dare not, or maybe wind us up.

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    I block no one, I can't speak for the rest.

  • .
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    As you described, “anonymous trolls who pretend to be religious” would likely be the majority of those blocking you.  And by your own definition, are not actually religious people.

    I would encourage you to be more discerning to which users you reply.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Because it is glorious

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Why are you so obsessed with us? How is it your business? What’s your problem? Just go on with your life and never mind what we’re doing. It’s none of your business. Get over yourself. You’re not important or relevant at all in the scheme of things. You’re here to work the land... that’s it, that’s all. If you cease to be useful you will be obliterated. End of story.

  • 5 months ago

    Because they are little snowflake cowards. They know they cannot show their god is real and it makes them angry like two year olds so they stomp their feet, hold their breath, then make outlandish claims about atheists because thats all they have left. They are not interested in having a conversation or even trying to convince us even though their god commands them to. If they can ignore their god, we can too. There is no need to block the losers. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    They seem to lie as a matter of course, as if telling the truth was foreign to them.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Very likely fear - they are afraid that atheists will refute what they claim and they have no proof to support their claims.

    And the only responses they get would be from others that think like them, so they believe they have more support for their beliefs than they really do.  Its a form of delusion, which religious nutters are very good at.

  • 5 months ago

    The biggest culprit of this is "flourkid".

    And it is done merely to rile things up... to stir the pot.

  • 5 months ago

    If you are talking about Flowerchild they also block Christians like me.  I suspect he is more interested in causing upset rather than religion

    Source(s): Christian
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