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Is a certification more valuable than a degree?

Lets say i do a business degree? Some will say the degree is too broad and doesn't teach u anything specific so get a certification in something specific like purchasing, customs or inventory management. Or they then they say get a IT certification like CCNA along with the IT degree. So what does the employer want? Both or either the certification or the degree?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Getting a degree takes four years.   Getting a certificate can take several months.  Which do you think is more valuable?

    The degree gets you in the door.  Saying you have only "certification" will get you nowhere.

  • 5 months ago

    a degree - smart

    a certificate - street smart

  • 5 months ago

    A degree is worth far more than a certification in general.  However, if you are specifically looking into IT, there is a lack of professionals in the field, so companies have hired people with out degrees for decades.

    Think of it this way.  If you get a certificate, you might get lucky and land a position.  However, people with degrees will pass you up for promotions every time.  Get the degree and you'll move on up when you tire of your job.

    Now imagine if you had both.  That's the kind of stuff you need to set yourself apart from all the others out there competing for the same job as you.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    In terms of getting a job yes certification can be more valuable, but if you have a bachelors and a bachelors?and a?master's degree and are certified. that often means a raise or higher wages or salary. 

  • April
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    It all depends on your career goals. Look at job postings on Indeed. If you find leadership positions that require a bachelors degree, you won't stand a chance against other applicants if you don't have one. Business Administration is actually a fairly good degree. You learn the basics of management, accounting, economics, marketing, finance, office administration, etc. It's a lot more valuable in the labor market than say, a liberal arts degree.

    Establishment and career building is by no means easy. You have to earn a good credential then gain several years of experience to prove your worth. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    5 months ago

    Anyone who wants to have a career level position in business needs to have a 4 year degree.  By career level, I mean the kind of position which has a path for higher pay and leadership roles.  Without that degree, there will always be a glass ceiling.

    People who tell you business students don't learn anything specific are either mistaken or lying.   All business students must take introductory courses in management, marketing, accounting, and finance.  After that, one chooses which of those field he wants to take upper division courses in.  

    That is not to say that certificates in a certain subject are without value.  Going for certificates without a degree, however, is like building a home without a foundation.  

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