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? asked in HealthMental Health · 5 months ago

My depression is taking over is there anything I can do?

Ok I'm currently un employed my dad also just passed and haven't been wanting to do anything. I'm also behind on bills I own some property and oh just 500 dollars in taxed but now I'm just too depressed to wanna do anything it's agnozing everyone I talk to noe either triggers my depression or makes me mad is their anything I can do just to feel better? I take medication but it doesn't cure the condition just help numb it

1 Answer

  • 5 months ago

    you should accept that you  feel like this and understand you have very good reason you have lost your father 

    be kind to yourself allow yourself to grieve

    if you can try to attend to matters needing your attention 

    dont expect to feel good anytime soon just soldier on 

    it will take time to feel better be patient

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