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DCM5150 asked in Food & DrinkEntertaining · 5 months ago

Why do people have gender reveal parties?

Is it simply and excuse to have a party or are new parents these days that self-absorbed. I'm all for a party and most people like parties, but do we have to force stupid reasons upon our parties?

9 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    its the oddest thing to explain you a group of seniors.

    i basked in the glory of not knowing, many women did that.

    we prefered a healthy baby verses boy or girl.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Self-indulgence run amok.  Nobody cares.  

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I am not a senior citizen, but I am not young either.

    I have seen an increased amount of entitlement issues from the younger adult generation. People throw themselves gift grabbing parties when they get engaged or buy a house. Weddings are on steroids with so much pomp and circumstance with engagement photos, destination bachelorette parties and over the top weddings and expensive destination weddings. I am hoping that COVID destroys the what the wedding industry has done to wedding costs.

    So,there is Zero surpriseto me that they invented gender reveal parties ... especially NOW when so many people identify themselves as the opposite sex! No, I am not making fun of gender identity people but boys and girls don't always end up that way. WHAT exactly is the point of the gender reveal party in the first place, anyway ? Gifts?

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Yeah, I think gender reveal parties are stupid.

    More than that, when I had my kids, I wanted it to be a surprise .. even for myself.

    Tell someone when you still pregnant, and breaking the news AFTER the delivery is anti-climactic .. which is a shame because YOU are all excited after the delivery, but the news is no longer exciting.

    More than that .. for a father who is not sure he wants kids, or a father who is feeling left out .. gender reveal parties rob HIM of the chance to get excited when he calls people to tell them about the delivery (and the gender of the child).

    As a retired Childbirth Educator, I have always looked for ways to get the father involved in the pregnancy, the delivery and in parenting afterwards.  And gender reveal parties are NOT a way to do that.

    Women ... we had our day when we got married.  Settle down.

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    I think it's just an excuse to put oneself center-stage and and even cadge gifts.

    I am seriously unimpressed by such parties. Really: who cares what sex the child is? Why does it matter?

  • Self-indulgence run amok.  Nobody cares.  

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Most likely (lol!) it's going to be a boy or a girl so there really shouldn't be much surprise when it's discovered it's a boy or a girl.  

    Gender reveal parties...pfft. 

  • kswck2
    Lv 7
    5 months ago

    As far as I am concerned, if the child has '10 of each', I don't much care about its gender. 

  • Anonymous
    5 months ago

    Because they are vacuous and self-absorbed. A prime example is the two boneheads who set off a gender-reveal firework in a California park that resulted in an additional horrendous fire. 

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