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I can’t afford art school what should I do?

Hello, my name is Eren Castro and I am worried I won’t be a successful artist if I don’t go to a good art school. I already have a pretty good art portfolio, but the problem is paying off the school. Art schools cost around as much as a brand new car and my parents struggle to pay that. I don’t wanna end up with massive student debt, especially when art schools don’t guarantee a career after graduating. I’ve been planing to attend at UT Austin for a BFA, but I feel like It won’t have the best opportunities or connections like It would in a art school in NY or LA. I know that you don’t need to go to an art school to be a successful artist, but it helps you a lot when it comes to getting into the right direction. I want to become an contemporary artist, but I feel like I would have better chance of getting in that if I went to a good art institution. Please help and thank you.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I see Art School a way for a TEACHER to be employed & get a paycheck.   Nothing more.  I do art because I am fair decent at it.  I read art books and pick up tips which I apply or modify and apply.  BFA is like having no education at all.  It is a "slackers" course.  Compare that to being a Lawyer, Doctor, Civil engineer(designing roads and bridges and tunnels.  Art has gone digital meaning computer graphics.  I find that way harder to understand right now and I am not motivated until I get a computer screen to draw on.  So right now it is pencil and lots of paper and ideas.  Look at what made it.  Shrek, Monsters Inc, Bugs Life, Cars,.  These artists are still alive.

    The artists that painted the "great works of art are long time DEAD"  They got a few bucks for their painting while they are still alive.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    Haven't you looked into financial aid?  And plenty of university studio art departments are very good.  You shouldn't assume that you MUST attend an art school to get good training.

    You know, the very best financial aid is offered by private colleges and universities, and a lot of them have quite good studio art programs.

  • snafu
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    I’m sure there must be a system of assistance to help poorer students in the US?

  • John
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Art schools don't turn regular folks into artists, they just turn already artists into  hopefully BETTER artists. And many of them will admit just anybody just to get tuition.

  • 4 months ago

    Every artist I know who makes a living at it was self taught. 

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Go to a community college that has  art classes. Transfer into a state college with an art program after 2 years and also study something you can actually get a job doing. . Get student loan assistance

  • 4 months ago

    I went to art my graduation i realized i could have learned the same thing on video tutorials..i and i didnt get connected even though i tried.  you just need a portfolio and to apply everywhere

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