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What's the chances of survival with Stage IV stomach cancer?

My cousin's husband was diagnosed with Stage IV stomach cancer last spring. They were told that it was inoperable so they can only do chemo to try and reduce the cancer. Luckily, I have never known anyone with cancer. I'm 31 years old and this is my first brush with it. Because of Covid, I haven't seen them lately. Today, my cousin posted up a picture and in the background I could see her husband. He's lost probably 80 pounds and he's aged 40 years in the last year. I was certain he was going to beat this, but now I think reality is starting to hit me that my cousin and her 2 young daughters could lose their father.

So I wanna know, what are the chances of surviving with inoperable Stage IV stomach cancer? 

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I'm sorry to be the be the one to tell you the truth, but the reality is oncologists make their money selling false hope to cancer patients.  Very few survive stage four cancer and sometimes its the chemotherapy or immune therapy that does it, by literally attacking your organs and other parts.  Doctors make over $10,000.00 a treatment(which is every three-five weeks), their job is to make money and if they can treat someone in the process then the more customers they will get. The best thing you can do for loved one is to support whatever decision he makes and follow his wishes 100% and encourage his family to do so as well.  Many cancer patients would rather go through the terrible awful effects of chemo that to let their loved ones feel like they gave up on them.  You need to let them know its ok with whatever they choose  and their loved ones will be ok.

  • 4 months ago

    There are many different kinds of stomach cancer, and each one has a different percentage, so to look up that information, you'd need to know the specifics on it. 

  • 4 months ago

    Stage 4 stomach cancer is considered terminal.

    Treatment can reduce some symptoms and slow the progress of the disease.  It is not considered curable at this stage.

  • 4 months ago

    A friend of mine has had stomach cancer for several years.He has regular chemo treatments at least once a month and has been doing rather well with it.We are all different and no one can say with certainty what will happen in the future,Just cross your fingers and pray for the best.Life is full of surprises.

  • 4 months ago

    i would ask your doctor about it or if you want ask this on and a real doctor will send you an email back

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    About four out of five stomach cancers in the United States are diagnosed after the cancer has spread to other areas of the body. The five-year survival rate for those diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer is 4 percent.

  • 4 months ago

    The survival rate for stage IV stomach cancer is less than 5%.  It has a bad outcome even when caught in early stages.   There usually comes a point where its difficult to get adequate nutrition and it sounds as if he might be well past that point. 

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