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Anonymous asked in Science & MathematicsAgriculture · 4 months ago

boyfriend’s ex going to his moms funeral?

Hello, I’ve been talking to/ dating this guy for about a month now. We’ve hung out a few times, spent the night with each other etc. I never met his mother. She passed away unexpectedly, funeral arrangements are in a few days and he prefers I didn’t go. He said he didn’t want me to meet his family like that, didn’t wanna cry in front of me, etc. which all makes sense.

His ex and her family are going though. They were together 4 years and he was always close with their family. He’s been communicating with her the past couple days and appears to be slightly more distant with me (idk if there’s correlation here or just me overthinking). So I guess my question: should I feel weird about that? I’ve never been in a situation like this before so idk what to do.

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    They had a 4-year relationship, and it sounds as though her family knew the deceased, too. It is perfectly appropriate for her and them to attend.

    It also makes sense that he would be somewhat withdrawn at the moment. You two have been involved for a VERY short period of time; you don't have a serious emotional relationship yet, and you don't have much of a claim on him.

    I think you need to give it time and stop overthinking.  Sometimes a death does cause people to reevaluate their lives and relationships, and that could happen here.  Stay respectfully on the sidelines for the moment, but let him know you're available to him.  You just have to wait to see what happens.

  • L
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Stay home and keep busy.

  • 3 months ago

    NO, let him, his family and her have their time to morn his mothers death.  I was very close to my mother  in law and  was not about to not go to her funeral.  It wasn't about my ex's girlfriend, it was about my being able to express my grief and support her children and Grandchildren.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    This has nothing to do with Agriculture.

  • 4 months ago

    Funerals are weird, ex's are weird, ex's at funerals are really weird, but it happens all the time. I can see why he's talking a little more with the ex than normal, probably working on how they'll handle things at the funeral. In my family, a funeral is the closest thing we have to a family reunion. He may have family members that don't know he's divorced, has kids, etc. Give him some space for a few weeks, then life should be getting back to normal. Good luck.

  • 4 months ago

    Tough times for sure. But if he has already asked you to step back accept it. Please reassure him of your being there for him if away. The fact his ex had more of a family relationship does open up a door of their reconnection. The bigger question comes is, if there is something still there, it's better to come out now.

  • 4 months ago

    Well if his exes family knew her and you didn't it makes sense they should go and not you. Doesn't it? This isn't a photo opportunity to flaunt your relationship. This is the passing of a loved one a loved one who you never met let alone knew

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