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Buying a house, mobile home, or building a metal house/shed?

My future husband and I are in the process of figuring out what would be a better option for a living space. We do not need a lot of room because we are not planning on having kids soon, however 1000 sq. ft. or a little under would be best.We live in the southeast region of the U.S. and would like a sturdy home for hurricane season as well. We already have land settled out to where we want to build so all we need is the structure.

We are obviously looking for the better priced option. We are both college graduates and are not looking to pile up a huge amount of debt right now.

We got a quote so far for $25,500 for a metal building that includes insulation, concrete, windows, and doors that is a little over 1,000 sq. ft.. It sounds like a great deal however we will have to obviously put the plumbing, counters, more walls to separate rooms, etc. Which will probably end up costing us another 15k or more.

The mobile homes we looked at (single wide) were straight up flimsy and the appearance of them were very sad even brand new. They looked like a graham cracker. However, they were priced around 35k-40k. Not a fan of mobile homes, but I know a lot of people have them as starter homes.

Building a house or buying a modular home is expensive, I know, but they're really nice and so much prettier. I am open to any ideas!

Just asking any of you for your opinion on starting out in life according to housing! There is literally nothing for rent where I live unless you want a rathole.

8 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Houston home buyers from

  • 4 months ago

    One option you didn't mention was a camper or travel trailer. Not for everyone but something I am considering as I develop.a property. They're completely equipped and easily moved + available in all sorts of price ranges.

    In my own situation, I am remodeling a 5,300 square foot structure for rental apartments & office/work space. I'm nearing the point of having two apartments ready to rent but the office & work space doesn't have plumbing or kitchen equipment. However, I can purchase a new camper for as low as $13,000 with enough space for me and customer convenience & park it near enough to the existing office space & with only a new door & movable small structure can seal things up for all weather conditions + hook it up to existing water, electrical & septic systems easily.

    Later I can expand with a permanent addition & use the camper elsewhere, for recreation or resale-they hold their value pretty well.

    Like I say, not for everyone but an idea worth considering depending on your needs and situation.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 months ago

    Mobiles will not appreciate in value. You'd be better off renting.  Resale of a metal building converted to home may not be that easy.

  • 4 months ago

    I doubt you can legally build a metal shed and live it =

    if you do this, be mindful that you won't get utilities...

  • 4 months ago

    You are approaching the purchase incorrectly.  You see it as a cost evaluation rather than what it really is, an investment in real estate.  You need to consider how you improve the property for the next owner because I can assure you, you won't live there forever.  So how much will your eventual buyer value the cement and metal shack you want to build? Probably less than the cost it  took to build it.  But if you took out a loan and built a proper house, that would likely increase in value, then you would come away making money from your effort to provide yourself with comfortable housing.  That is a better proposition than a mobile home that depreciates like a car or a concrete and metal shack that no one but you will value.

    Talk to a local realtor about the resale value before you decide.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    Zoning might have something to do with it. I am unware of exactly what you are talking about. But near my subdivision there is an access road and a few years ago a guy put up a mail box, moved in a small metal building, a tent and a whole bunch of junk. And he lives there. With no power. The building is small but bigger than a shed and it has a window. I would have thought what he is doing is illegal but the guy is not hurting anybody and he has been there for years. His building is not far from the road but its a wooded area. I am pretty sure there is no concrete.  The guy was living in a tent before the building came in.

    Down from him on the same road there is a bunch of wooded land but there is a pretty steep incline. It had a for sale sign by it for a year or so. I saw a few cars parked near there a few months ago and then shortly after that a bulldozer or some kind of heavy machine sort of made a path up the steep incline. A few days later, in came what looked like 2 mobile homes and some kind of truck that brought them there. I remember being amazed that he was able to get them up there. A few days later, the truck and one of the mobile homes was gone and the larger one remained. Sometime after the home was put in they went in and put some asphalt down so that a car could get up there. And a few weeks later I saw a few small pickups up there, one was from the county. Since then, its just been sitting there. No power, no mailbox. Just a mobile home by itself. No evidence that they ran water to it but I may have missed it. I presume there is water near the road.

    Around here, mobile home parks charge about $290 a month. So I viewed buying the land as smarter than paying that every month and they have a a house a short distance from where most houses are in the $140-200k range for a fraction of that. But nothing has been happening for a few months now.

    The problem with mobile homes is they tend to decline in value.

    I don't know enough about mobile homes to say much except it appears to be a decent size. Maybe it came in 2 pieces and they put it together so there was only one up there to begin with?  I could only see the front because its on a steep incline.

    I am in the southeast and hurricanes are not the big issue. Tornados are.

  • 4 months ago

    I think you're under estimating the improvement costs.  All of your sinks and toilets would have to be on exterior walls so as to accommodate the proper drainage.  You'll have to use back flush toilets.  You will still have to elevate the tub and shower.  Again to have proper drainage.  The alternative would be to have the drainage lines installed before you pour the slab.

  • Anonymous
    4 months ago

    I say buy a house or build your own house from scratch! Congratulations on the next step of your relationship 

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