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Can you be racist to White people? Racism vs Racialism.?

After taking an English class in college that discussed racial issues in African-American literature and history, we discussed two terms: Racism and Racialism. My professor (a white woman), explained the differences of these two terms to be completely different. Here is a short explanation.

Racialism, a word not often heard in everyday speech, refers to the belief in racial superiority, inferiority, and purity based on the conviction that moral and intellectual differences, like physical differences, biologically separate the races.

Racism refers to the unequal power relations that grow from the sociopolitical domination of one race by another that result in systematic discriminatory practices (segregation, domination, and persecution). 

Therefore, although anyone can be a Racialist, in order to be racist - in order to be in a position to segregate, dominate, or persecute - one has to be in a position of power as a member of the politically dominant group. 

However, while trying to do Google searches, the definitions of Racism and Racialism differ from site to site, and basically discuss that Racism is the belief in racial superiority/inferiority, and Racialism is the same except less rational. 

So I'm unsure if you'd be able to be racist towards white people, as the explanation of the two from my professor claims otherwise. 


So what I’m hearing is you cannot be racist to white PEOPLE. Racial oppression is different than individual experiences of racism. But individuals do hold the power to be prejudice and deny or reject certain things from a white person (i.e jobs, promotions). 

8 Answers

  • 3 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Can you be racist to White people? Racism vs Racialism.?"

    Of course you can.  But then, this all comes down to definition and what we accept as those definitions.  Your teacher is clearly pushing the critical theory ideology (aka; cultural Marxism) perspective.  And as is defined by her/your description there, the definition of "racism" is little more than belonging to the majority population of a racial group.  From there it is assumed that all members of the majority populating group are somehow bestowed "power" and "privilege" (both very unclearly defined or not defined at all under critical theory) just because they belong to the majority racial group by population.

    Does anybody believe that to be "racism"?  So all whites in Europe are racist?  All blacks people in Africa are racist?  All brown people in India are racist?  All oriental people in Asia are racist? 

    This is nonsense.  A homeless white male has no "power" and no "privilege" even when he belongs to the majority race.  A rich black woman like Oprah for example, wields great power over everyone underneath her regardless of their race, sex, or whatever.  Clearly, something is very wrong with critical theory, and their definition of racism.


  • 3 months ago

    College Huh!  In Africa, you could have racism towards white people when a nation is majority black.  What your college professor needs to be teaching is the Holy Bible where Almighty God creates us all the same and does not distinguish between skin color.  God teaches us to love every person.  God says we have all sinned and fallen short of His glory.  It is the Holy Bible that helped Lincoln determine right from wrong about owning slaves.  In ancient times slaves were because of war where one tribe won over another.  The Bible doesn't speak of "being sold into slavery" as what happened in the USA many, many years ago.  Also, you could be a man's slave if you wanted something from him until the agreed time had been satisfied, then your debt was paid.  Today, mankind is in slavery to credit card owners until the debt is paid.  You might read up on Black Hebrew Slaves that came from Africa.  In Egypt, Hebrew slaves both black and white were slaves.  Just remember, to God, there is no racism.  If we would follow the instructions of the Heavenly Father mankind would not be so confused about skin color or racism or racialism.  Think about it - black African slaves when freed by Lincoln could have returned to Africa, but they did not.  America is a wonderful land, because freedom is special and man craves it with everything in him.  And, God blessed this nation because Americans spread the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world.

  • 3 months ago

    The left wing has a growing anti white racist problem. Also there is no evidence of systemic racism in the United States. Anyway, your liberal professor sounds like shes making up terms and splitting hairs to lie and say racism against white people doesnt exist. It does. And in todays SJW climate, I would imagine being black is more advantageous than being white for getting hired because companies are focused on pushing SJWism and wokeness.

  • Kieth
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    Yes you can, tell honky jokes. What's the definition of a honky? Someone who gets out of the bathtub to pee. How many honkies does it take to change a lightbulb? One. What do little white honkies want to grow up to be? Employed. AAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Them honkie so funny.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    Presuming that all white people are racists is actually racist itself, because its a stereotype that makes presumptions about millions of strangers.  

  • sarah
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    yes anyone can be a racist but whites are more likely to be a racist.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    Yes, you can be racist towards white people.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    No you can’t. You can’t oppress the oppressors.

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