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Are we even considered "In a relationship"?

Hi guys! a year ago I started dating this guy. In March he asked me to be his girlfriend, and I said yes. COVID hit and to be safe we only met eachother for 1 night at a hotel. each time we spent together we would have a good night filled with memories, laughter, love and talking about our future together. In June we had a were suppose to spend the weekend together but we faught and he left me. He didnt talk to me till 2 months after he texted me saying he wanted to me. I met with him and said he was sorry and wanted to start where we left off. During this time COVID was dying down and we were able to go out more. But yet, he still just wants to spend 1 night with me. We still talk about our future together and even plan to have kids soon. I told him I wanted to spend more time with him but he hasnt made any effort in trying. I know for a fact hes not seeing anyone else because we are both the type of people that likes to just be alone.  After thinking about it, maybe we are in a relationship because of the things we talk about and looking forward to. but at the sametime I dont think we are because 1 we havent made things official between us and 2 we dont even see eachother that much. What do you think we are? I would like to know what you think.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    I'm sorry, but I think you're hanging on to this relationship because of what you want it to be-- not because of what it is. I know a man who drives 6 hours every Friday to be with his girlfriend, and then 6 hours back every Sunday, just to spend a little time with her. If he really wanted to be with you, he'd do that, even in a pandemic. 

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    I think you are still in a relationship, it is just that your boyfriend has become complacent and needs to put in far more effort into interacting with you. Therefore, what I recommend you do is to cut back on the amount of nice things that you do for him. From this point forward, he needs to earn these things by improving his attitude and doing things make you feel appreciated e.g. spending time with you and being nice.

    Secondly, I would talk to him and plan fun things for the both of you to do. The logic behind this is to get your boyfriend to contribute the relationship in a meaningful and romantic way. I wouldn't worry about him cancelling either because guys are always hesitant to cancel on their partners because they cannot live with the guilt. In saying that, when you do meet up with him place an emphasis on activities that have an interactive theme to them. The purpose of this is to get your boyfriend to interact with you in the way that you desire and contribute to the relationship in a way that is positive and emotionally fulfilling. After you start doing this on a regular basis, hopefully he will pick on the things that he needs to do to make you happy. However, be sure to give him praise when he does make an effort. Ultimately, this will boost his self-esteem and encourage him to show initiative in the future. I really hope this helps :)

  • ?
    Lv 6
    3 months ago

    It seems like you lack communication skills. We don’t know you two and we can’t help you on knowing if you two are official, also there could be many reasons why you are only hanging out once a week. How about ask him what you two are? 

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