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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesPhilosophy · 3 months ago

What are the ideologies that define today’s world?

This is for my seminar and I need some insight?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    Today's world is defined by pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth.  And if I may be so bold, I add hate and stupidity.

  • Saboo
    Lv 7
    3 months ago




  • 3 months ago

    Hollywood-ism may be the term. That is Hollywood created our innovation on the future and defined the right things to do.

    That would be a better idea than the magician's choice by politicians.

    Possibly, those current conflicts are for smooth the way to deploy FX jet fighters to replace F22.

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    GOOGLE  is your friend, lazybones. Search for "modern ideologies". It's not exactly rocket science. 

  • 3 months ago

    The ideologies that are adopted, or dreamt up, by the living. 

  • Brian
    Lv 4
    3 months ago

    The ideology that should be permeating the world is OPTIMISM. Something like this:

    It was {DATE}. The announcement went out that Covid-19 had been defeated and irradicated, and was no longer a threat to anyone. Many additional advancements had

    also been made in virology during the Covid-19 Pandemic. And it was solidly assured that no pestilence like this would ever fall upon the Earth again. Because not only had

    they defeated the Covid-19 virus, but methods for overcoming other viruses were also developed. The cure for Covid-19 became, in essence, the cure for all diseases on

    Earth. Even cancer research was advanced.

    Covid-19 was now over. We were in a Post-Covid-19 world now. There was celebration everywhere. People were rewarded for their heroic efforts during the Pandemic.

    And scientists would now be listened to in order to avoid another pandemic upon the Earth.

    There was no longer any threat of the virus. People took off their masks, burned them in heaps, and hugged and embraced each other before the warmth of the fire like

    they never have before. Social distancing regulations were now obsolete. The time to refrain from embracing was over. It was time to embrace.

    The skies had cleared. The air was crisp and clean. Children could be heard playing outside once again. Food was bountiful and honey and cream flowed to all people. It

    was alright to go outside once again and smell the flowers without a mask.

    “I shook his hand today!”

    “He gave me a hug today!”

    “We held each other and embraced today!”

    These things were proclaimed upon the Earth, as the healing progressed.

    There were parties and celebrations everywhere. They went on and on for months at a time. The whole world celebrated the victory over Covid-19. We knew it would

    never happen again like that.

    There was a grand “redirection of priorities” upon the Earth. There was an International Mass Epic Epiphany upon the Earth. Jeremiah 31:34 had begun to be fulfilled.

    “And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest,

    declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.”

    Everyone sat under his own vine and fig tree. Money was no longer necessary because everyone had everything they need.

    These things didn’t matter anymore: money, politics, fame, notoriety, nobility, position, trade. Nobody traded merchandise anymore, because everyone had what they

    needed already. Trade was gone and replaced with the function of the Holy Spirit ruling over the Earth over the people. And the people lived for a thousand years and did

    not die. Kings, Presidents, Prime Ministers meant nothing and had no power. Because the Holy Spirit ruled over the Earth. And freedom.

    Everyone around the world rejoiced, danced, and celebrated at the same time, for a long, long time. Prisoners were set free and released. And there was no reason to

    commit any crime anymore upon the Earth. There was a mass celebration the world over. Wars were put on hold. Politics didn’t matter. We had defeated the virus and it

    was time to party! A worldwide party and celebration. And now it was time to embrace and a time of joy on the Earth.

    It was a new dawn and a new day upon the Earth. God was glorified by everyone. And the whole world rejoiced continually for a thousand years.


  • 3 months ago

    ATHEISTIC post reasoning. 

    Where rather than believing biblical facts they choose lies or richard dawkin and think we were a fish.

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