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Lv 4

How many prophecies has Jesus fulfilled in the Bible?

19 Answers

  • 3 months ago

    There are 360 prophecies of the Messiah in the Old Testament, and of these 109 are mathematically impossible to have been fulfilled by any person other than Jesus. There is a law in mathematics known as the law of compound probabilities. It basically determines what the odds are of a specific series of events happening by chance. The more of them which happen, the greater the odds are against it. When applied to a series of events in which each event by itself is considered unlikely, the odds quickly become astronomical before you reach even a dozen of such events happening. One such prophecy in the book of Daniel accurately foretold the exact day Messiah would ride into Jerusalem on a donkey colt, and Jesus did just that on the foretold date. Given the details of the life and death of Jesus the Gospels, it is so far beyond mathematically impossible for Jesus to be a chance fulfilment that that is not worthy of consideration.

    Now, it is reasonable to step back and ponder whether or not the entire New Testament could have been a clever fabrication designed at messianic prophecy fulfilment. The books of the NT were, after all, written within one generation after Jesus’ death. We do know that the Jesus of the Bible did in fact live, right at the time the Bible reports, from secular historical records some of which even include accounts of his resurrection from the dead. The Jews have never denied that Jesus of Nazareth lived and was crucified on a cross.

    Knowing the person of Jesus did actually live at the time the NT places him, we have difficulty discrediting the Bible as a source of evidence about him. Where’s the logic in disregarding the eye-witness accounts of his contemporaries? And many of those followers in the first century A.D. literally risked their lives for their belief. Thousands of them were willing to be executed rather than renounce their faith. Humans do not normally give up their lives for a belief that they know is false, so it is a strong testimony that these first generations were willing to die a martyr’s death for Christ as Messiah.

    Even if we neglect the events in the life of Christ which constitute miracles (such as his virgin birth and resurrection), we are still left with too many such events for chance fulfilment. Consider just the following:

    • Born in Bethlehem

    • From King David's lineage

    • Lived briefly in Egypt

    • Raised in Nazareth

    • Entered Jerusalem triumphantly on a donkey colt

    • Rejected by the religious authorities

    • Betrayed by a friend for 30 pieces of silver

    • Hung on a cross

    • Offered vinegar to drink while dying

    • Died with criminals

    • No bone was broken

    • His side was pierced

    • Buried with the rich

    • Lots were cast for his clothes

    Those 14 events alone, which were all prophecies in the OT about the Messiah, are much more than enough to make chance fulfillment a mathematical impossibility according to the law of compound probability. In fact, the chances of just the first 8 of those events occurring (in the life of one person) has been calculated by mathematicians to be about one chance in 10 to the 150th power, far beyond the 10 to the 50th power which is considered mathematically impossible.

  • 3 months ago

    THERE were 60 prophecy's written two hundred years before JESUS was born concerning the place of HIS BIRTH and what HE would accomplish and each one of them was fulfilled. JESUS also prophesied of things to be in the latter years that can surely be seen coming to pass today.   

  • 3 months ago

    More than I can describe here.

    He was born in Bethlehem.

    He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey's colt.

    He suffered a punishment for our sins.

    He was crucified -- all the details in Psalm 22.

    He died -- yes, that is a Messianic prophecy.

    But don't worry -- he shall eventually fulfill them all.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 months ago

    Jesus has fulfilled many, many prophecies and they’re found in the Hebrew Scriptures or OT. I can mention two of the 61 that I found, but there are more.  

    He was born of a virgin: Isaiah 7:14. And its fulfillment is in the Greek Scriptures or NT at Matthew 1:18,22,23.   

    Born in Bethlehem: Micah 5:2. See it’s fulfillment at Matthew 1:18,22,23

    At Isaiah 53:2-7, you can find more.  

  • Anonymous
    3 months ago

    This is impossible to answer!

    There are over one hundred direct prophecies he fulfilled and an uncounted number of indirect (or hidden) ones which he also fulfilled.

    There are several articles on the internet that address the ones which are "common knowledge", but I would like to point out that Jesus fulfilled some very obscure prophecies that most of us miss and many others that we fail to recognize.

  • 3 months ago

    Only two: “My kingdom is not of this world” 

    and, “A little longer and the world will behold me no more” . 

  • 3 months ago

    The clergy who invented Jesus engineered him to resemble the prophesied Jewish Messiah by claiming he fulfilled the prophesy..but ask any Jew if their god Yahweh had a boy and they will tell you it's a load of total BS

  • 3 months ago

    I am not sure how many he has fulfilled in the Bible, but the ones he has are those which it would have been easy to fake, such as the idea that he was born in Bethlehem. It is easy to claim that he was born there without anybody being able to disprove it (unless they happened to be very familiar with his family history). The prophecies he hasn't fulfilled include those that the authors of the Bible couldn't really have faked, such as "The government shall be upon his shoulders". If he had really had a high governmental position, everybody would have know about it.

  • 3 months ago

    I haven't a clue.... but, yah know how harry potter fulfilled all the predictions in the harry potter series?

    yeah, that's how fiction works

  • Rayal
    Lv 7
    3 months ago

    You tell us if you're so smart. 

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