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? asked in Entertainment & MusicPolls & Surveys · 3 months ago

True or false? ?

Would the U.S. be a better place if money were not the only thing that matters to most people. I do not need more and more. Can't you be happy with what you have?

1 Answer

  • 3 months ago

    Many times, we can make our own happiness. Yet...the truth of the matter is that society has made it so you cannot get on with living without, home, etc...all cost money. 

    If all you had right now was a space of sidewalk and a cart of stuff, would that be enough for you to live happily? If all you had was a house that costed you enough to rent each month and a worry of not having it a few months down the road, would you be happy with that? 

    Sometimes, people want a better way of life and living...and cannot be as happy as others when they have worries.

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