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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 months ago

Why is overtaxing the rich called paying their fair share?

Everyone uses government services in one way or another and those who pay nothing get the same use of services that the rich do as far as roads, bridges, sewers,water,and so on and so on. So why do they say that the rich who pay so much more in taxes do not pay their fair share. Seems to me it is the other way around. I am far from rich but do not agree that just because you have more money than someone else you should be forced to give it to the government.

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    It’s a false statement if you tax them more they raise the price to you to cover their cost so you actually tax the consumer.

  • 2 months ago

    Do you mean it is fair that a billionaire doesn't pay any taxes for the last 10 years, only pays 750 dollars is ok.  If they paid their fair share according to their income it would mean people who are struggling to just make ends meet would have to pay less taxes.  Tax breaks are fine but tax evasion is a crime, overstating your income and properties for loans and insurance purpose and then depreciating your assets for tax evasion is a federal crime.  Trump is being investigated for both corrupt business practices and tax evasion.  Doesn't look good for him and lets wait and see.

  • Riley
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    Because we as civilians are supposed to pay our taxes, other wise we go to jail if we don't. The same rule applies to them as it does for every Tom,Dick and Jane. They aren't special because the wipes they wipe their butt with are more silky. They're Americans too and they pay for the goods and services of being an American like everyone else. Deal with it. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Usually when cons says "seems" it means they have no idea what they're talking about and are just passing along some ridiculous con talking point.

    But to answer your question, where do you think money comes from?  Do you realize that increasing amounts of money makes the money less valuable ("inflation").  Yet inflation rates haven't kept up with the money supply.  Why do think that is, some magic market pixie?  No the answer is government involvement, doing things such as issuing debt instruments to reduce money supply.  And who do you think ultimately pays the greater burden for the least benefit for this kind of policy.  It *seems* like you should probably study more before opening your mouth  

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    because these people have benefited more than most from our systems and our governmental structures, they need to pay more back into it because of the benefit they have gained from it, plus they have the ability to do so, most people only make enough money to pay for the basics, you can't get blood from a turnip 

  • 2 months ago

    Yet if you examined the tax refunds and reductions you would see the wealthy claim for some astounding things while the less wealthy often claim for none of what they are entitled to.    

    Maybe a fairer system would be we (everyone) all pay say 20% tax on all the money we earn from anywhere and there are no tax claims,  no refunds etc.

    If we proposed that, upon closer examination the wealthy would be the most out spoken against it. 

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Let's just not tax rich people at all.

  • 2 months ago

    Ever heard of insurance?  Policies are based on value of possessions covered.  If you have $1 million worth of property and goods, you stand to lose a whole lot more during an invasion or uprising than the poor person.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Ask yourself  When  in history of the world have the Rich been fair about anything.  Otherwise why would they be revolutions?  That said there are many advantages that comes from wealth and power.  Regulations are in their favor opportunities are in their favor.  Lastly  remember success  always comes from  somebody else's failures.   There is no way you can be successful without stepping on  or over someone in the process. Meaning  the poor  and lower masses are always being taken advantage of.....

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    For the low-info types this is the modern way to demonstrate that you're both math-challenged AND entitled (to Other People's Money). It's quite sad, don't you think?


    Anyone with an IQ north of Al Gore's is perfectly capable of seeing who's paying the vast majority of income taxes in this country. Hint: it's the Evil Richies.  OOPS!!!  lol

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