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? asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 2 months ago

Should the rich pay taxes and the poor draw the money?

I posted a question about the rich paying more taxes and others not paying any. Only answers were about the rich taking loopholes to avoid paying and nothing about those who pay nothing at all but get back tax refunds. I am not rich but do not agree with those who get refunds because they have umpteen kids that they cannot afford to raise. TOTALLY UNFAIR.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    I agree with most of your comments. 

    IMO, people with more kids than they can afford to pay for ON THEIR OWN...need to be STERILIZED.

    A "loophole" is the same thing as a legal deduction. 

    The difference is the people who don't qualify to take the deduction call it a loophole.  "Loophole" is supposed to make it sound sinister or illegal.  Neither are true.

    These are the same IDIOTS who don't know how to do their own tax laws let alone corporate taxes.

    Just like me and you, THE RICH DO PAY TAXES.  Unlike me and you, they have MORE DEDUCTIONS than we do which REDUCES the taxes they already paid in back down to $ZERO.

    The easiest way to explain it is if someone wins $1 million in the lottery.  They get taxed on their gambling winnings.  However, if they can show the IRS that they have $1 million in LOSING tickets they get all that money back from the IRS which equates to not paying taxes on it.  All perfectly legal, but no one ever calls it a loophole.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    The energy corporations in Texas should pay back their windfall profits.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    totes ma goats, gurlpuwer 

    lets get revenge on sum hornay beetches 

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