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Will there always be a physical media format for movies?

So as of now, they still release new movies on DVD and Blueray. The importance of a physical media format comes with the question of how long you plan to keep the movie you purchased. For example, Apple can delete a movie you "bought" on Itunes and there is nothing you can do about it. You can buy a DVD, or Blueray Disk but they are so costly, and have the movie for as long as you take care of it. With this being said, why would people ditch the physical media format, other than convenience, and totally rely on a digital copy for keeping? If they discontinue the physical media format, that will put big companies in control of our own personal library and they can decide to delete whatever movie they want that we bought. Thank you all for the answers!

3 Answers

  • 2 months ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most people nowadays don't care to keep a physical collection. If you can watch it or buy it on an app thats good enough for them, and the majority of people don't think any father then that. But many disagree with this and want to own a real copy that they know won't be taken away. For that reason, I think blu rays will stick around for a long while. Maybe they'll go up in price a little and will only be able to be purchased from specialty places instead of Walmart, but I think they'll be around for at least the rest of our lifetimes. 

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    Are DVD and Blueray really physical media though? Are they any different than a jump drive in any way that matters?

  • Sandy
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    can't you transfer the download to a physical media? if not, then you're right, big tech companies will always be in control of our personal media libraries, and that's not right. once you buy something, it should be yours to own. so a movie "rental" will be just that--a rental. $6 - $20 for a few hours of viewing. well I guess they solved the piracy problem.

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