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What Disney VHS Sing Along was this from?

What Disney’s Sing Along Songs VHS volume video was this from? An animated skyline of New York City Manhattan with scrolled end credits with Billy Joel singing followed by a creepy boisterous Ludwig Von Drake voice of him in a small closet trophy room-sounding setting saying, “Now all of you are there can sing along with all of these Disney sing-along songs. There’s hi ho with those kooky dwarfs those little guys are so cute ha ha. Zip-a-Dee-Doo-Dah.. And The Bare Necessities. And you gotta have those. And you can sing or dance or go to the kitchen and get a snack whatever Ha ha ha. Oh you can fly! Hey! That’s not a song! Ho ho. Oh you can fly or listen to the song what do you think you’re crazy?” Then to a black screen. Where was this from?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Disney’s Sing Along Songs “Fun With Music” am I right?

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