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I dont think im in love with my gf anymore and she makes it hard to break up with her, what can i do? i feel bad hurting her too?

7 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    Short-term hurt is better than long-term hurt, it's not fair to her or to you to keep a relationship that doesn't work. If you want to let her down easy, you should try to get her to see how you see the relationship first, make her see that there is no hope of saving it, it's still going to hurt her once there's a firm break up, but at least she'll see it coming.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    You got good suggestions. 

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    What's worse, feeling bad for her or spending the next twenty years together in a loveless marriage? Hopefully you'll make the right choice and end it. If you want to make it work you could try and work on it but I suspect that's too late.

    It happens and it's unfortunate so do the right thing. Otherwise you are stopping each other from being happy with the right person.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    I can tell you that you’re not in love with her anymore. I told myself the same thing about my ex girlfriend and it made me stay with her longer when I should’ve just left her. She made it hard for me to break up with her too and I started hating her so much I wished she’d just get hit by a damn bus already so I wouldn't have to deal with her bullshit trying to break up with her. I told myself to MAN UP and tell her we need to break up and there’s nothing she could do or say that’ll change my mind and she was hurt she cried but she couldn’t argue with that. She used to say she’s going to kill herself if I ever left her but guess what she’s still alive she got over it and she moved on. 

    MAN UP LIKE I DID AND BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRLFRIEND! I also lost the girl I fell in love when I was with my girlfriend and by the time I maned up and ended my relationship it was too  late because the girl I love moved on. I texted her the day I broke up with my girlfriend. I told her I love her and she told me she loved me too but waiting for me hurt her too much so she had to let go. It seemed impossible to her that I’d ever leave my girlfriend at the time because it seemed like I was so in love when I was faking it because I didn’t want my girlfriend at the time to assume sh—it and accuse me of sh—it like she always did when I was innocent. 

    So dude if you’re into another girl don’t lose her like I lost the girl I love who I’ve been trying to steal from her new boyfriend because she should be with me not him. My ex girlfriend moved on while I’m fighting for the girl I lost because of her. I wasted so much time being in a relationship with a girl I didn’t love and desperately wanted to break up with but was too afraid to hurt her. And now I’m the one who’s hurt because I missed the chance to get with the girl I love.  

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    Sometimes ending a relationship can be so hard that we put it off for days, weeks, or even years. Many people get stuck in this stage, and one primary reason for this is an overwhelming sense of guilt. 

    Relationships end. They end all the time and for all sorts of reasons.

    Despite your best intentions, sometimes people just aren't meant to stay in your life forever. Sometimes they are only there long enough to teach you the lessons that you needed to learn. 

    In fact, most people don’t find "THE ONE" until after one, a few, or a series of "failed" relationships.

    Too often, people stay long when they know they should leave, because they can’t stand to hurt someone they still care about.

    The thoughts cycle through our head:

    “I don’t want to hurt him or her”

    “I feel responsible for him or her”

    “I can't stand to make her cry”

    “He or she is going to hate me forever”

    These feelings are natural, and show that you’re a caring, compassionate person.

    This desire to protect your girlfriend can keep you living a lie. 

    You owe her honesty and respect; you don’t owe her continued devotion when the relationship has expired in your heart and mind. 

    It can be very difficult when you make a promise to your girlfriend, and it conflicts with what your heart is telling you.

    The feelings will build, and you will begin to resent your girlfriend. Don’t let guilty feelings silence you.

    If You’re Delaying A Breakup, Remember:

    1. Heartbreak Is A Fact Of Life

    As sad as it seems, we all sign-up for the possibility of heartbreak when we go into a relationship.

    Most relationships end in some form of painful feelings. It's futile to try to protect people from this, and any attempt to do so will only result in more pain.

    In a way, heartbreak is a beautiful thing: It shows us how vulnerable we are, and it makes the good times that much better.

    2. If The Roles Were Switched, You’d Want To Know ASAP

    Would you want to be in a relationship with someone who secretly wants to breakup? 

    You deserve someone who wants to be with you, and so does your girlfriend.

    3. You’re Wasting Both Your Time And Your Girlfriend’s Time

    You're only becoming more invested as you stay. You’re also taking up your girlfriend’s time when she should be on the road to healing.

    4. Nobody Should Have To Fake Their Feelings

    Withholding your feelings and pretending that everything is OK is stressful for you. And your girlfriend can probably sense that something’s wrong. 

    Once you finally drop the news, it will be obvious that you weren’t acting authentic for a long time. 

    It will be painful if your girlfriend realizes that you have been “faking your feelings” for so long.

    Once you know you that you want to leave, the breakup should happen sooner rather than later. 

  • 2 months ago

    She's shocked. Give her time. She loves  you so much that she doen't want to let you go. 

    that's really sad. you should be honest in telling her why you're breaking up with her, that's the least thing you can do. Or think it through again, maybe you can still work it out. 💔

  • donnie
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    That is up to you

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