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Why does God allow villains?

Why does God allow villains? Why does he allow communist regime under people like Xi Jinping in China? If there is a good God, and he is perfect, why would he allow people to do the opposite of him why do people have selfish brains with greediness? Why do countries have religions? Why do humans have language barriers? Why do villains choose to enslave other countries with whether it is war, exploiting a pandemic, or power? Why do people have power? Why can’t they obey God? Why couldn’t they love all humanity like Jesus Christ to sacrifice the ultimate love for others? Why can’t they love thy neighbor? Why can’t everybody get along? Why can’t we have a brotherhood of man? What causes people to do evil instead of The World living as one? Why do humans sin? Why do people kill animals in wet markets like last year in Wuhan? Why do humans do evil? Why do we have terrorists? Why do humans have evil in them? Why can’t everybody have peace?

14 Answers

  • 2 months ago

    God gives the chance for all to choose for themselves :the good or bad way.He also gives guidance for the right path.It isn't the end he rewards those who chose the right path and punishes those who chose the wrong path.

  • Paul
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    It's called free will. God creates every human with free will, the ability and right to choose His way of doing things, or to reject His way and do our own thing, and suffer the consequences. Would you prefer that God create humans as pre-programmed robots who could do only His will?

  • 2 months ago

    "Why does God allow villains? Why does he allow communist regime under people like Xi Jinping in China? If there is a good God, and he is perfect, why would he allow people to do the opposite of him why do people have selfish brains with greediness?"  God has to let us do good so he can bless and reward us. He can't be arbitrary about these things; he is as bound by eternal laws as we are by natural laws.  He has to let us do good.

    The problem is that the ability to do good is also the ability to do evil.  Nobody can separate the two, not even God.  If he stopped evil, he would also stop good, and that would destroy his plan for our happiness and salvation.  He has to let us do evil if that is what we insist on doing.  Normally he can step in and stop things only when entire societies become irredeemably corrupt.

    "Why do countries have religions?"  Because a majority (or at least a plurality) of its people believe that way.

    "Why do humans have language barriers?"  Because we don't all speak the same language.  Why don't we all speak the same language?  Because of the inevitable corruption of slang and regional dialects and time.

    "Why do villains choose to enslave other countries with whether it is war, exploiting a pandemic, or power?"  Because they are evil and they want to promote evil, usually.

    "Why do people have power?"  Because they gain it or are given it.

    "Why can’t they obey God? Why couldn’t they love all humanity like Jesus Christ to sacrifice the ultimate love for others? Why can’t they love thy neighbor? Why can’t everybody get along?"  Because they don't want to.  God isn't going to force us to be good -- he can't force us and still logically or righteously reward or punish us.

    "Why can’t we have a brotherhood of man? What causes people to do evil instead of The World living as one? Why do humans sin? Why do people kill animals in wet markets like last year in Wuhan? Why do humans do evil? Why do we have terrorists? Why do humans have evil in them? Why can’t everybody have peace?"  Bad people like to do bad things, of course.  Good is in the minority right now.

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    2 months ago

    If God eliminated all the evil people in the world, where would you be the moment after He did that?

    If you claim to be an Atheist, you have no reason to complain that there is evil in the world, because in a denial of God, you have no ground on which to define evil.

  • Cowboy
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    If god really has such power and refuses to use it, is he really worth your worship??

  • ?
    Lv 6
    2 months ago

    iT COMES due to his gift of free will for all humans.

  • 2 months ago

    The short answer to all of your questions is that we live under God's curse because of our rebellion to God. We are at war with God because we are evil, and we are born that way. It is our nature. We inherited it from Adam and Eve who sinned against God in the first place.

    So we are all born and stuck in a web of evil desires and enmity against God. When God came to earth in human form 2,000 years ago He was crucified. The very same thing would happen today if He came in human form again. What we want to do is dethrone God and sit in His place and call the shots, like calling good evil and evil good. That's what sin is.

    Everything was created by God for His purposes. Everything:

    Proverbs 16:4 -

    The LORD hath made all things for himself:

    yea, even the wicked for the day of evil.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Answered in Romans 11:33-36, and it is about choices, Joshua 24:15.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    2 months ago

    The text box says "What's your question?" making the word "question" singular. Now I get piggy backing 2 or 3 questions which are related, but this is about 30 questions. 

    But to answer your general question, nobody comes to power without the support of a good portion of the people they have power over. 

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Take your meds!

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