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blue asked in Social SciencePsychology · 2 months ago

Why are people always saying bad things about/to me?

I am a 37 yo female, and have always been kinda  targeted or a scapegoat by mean or rude people, and cannot figure out why. I thought as I got older, ppl would back off, but they actually have gotten worse, or maybe it's the same but I'm just noticing it more. 

anyways, ppl always say rude things about me for some reason even when I'm not doing anything to them, usually strangers or people who don't know me very well. for example, I ran into an old neighbor at my former complex at the grocery store, and he waved at me. i said "oh hi you live here now?" he said "not yet" and I said "nice to see you , he was w his wife and kids and a male friend who also lived at that complex. that male friend was never friendly w me, and i heard him say about me "weird motherf*ucker". 

I had never done anything rude or bad to this guy and always minded my own business but it seems no matter how humble or reserved I am ppl always find something they don't like. 


And that's just one example of many. I am a quiet reserved, polite woman and I don't bother ppl. But ppl often just want to be rude. Like the other day on a weekend getaway I was taking in a small mountain town 2 hrs away from my home, I was exploring the shops etc, and this young woman and her mom or aunt or something who were both very classy and attractive looking wouldn't make room for me on the sidewalk, so I had to walk between them.

Update 2:

 I was looking at the shops, but had to make eye contact w them to see we wouldn't bump each other. i heard the teenage girl say to the lady "everyone is staring at me" and the lady said something I couldn't understand or hear clearly what that was agreeing w her and validating her comment. I felt like shouting "I was NOT staring at you, you were looking at me, and were in my line of vision!' but I let it go, as I know how self absorbed and self conscious teen girls can be.

Update 3:

 and on that same trip, my daughter age 12 and her dad I couldn't find we were supposed to meet outside our small hotel we were staying that was right next to a restaurant w patio dining, and I began to panic and shouting their names a few times, and some guy who sounded young but I didn't see him yelled meanly "shut up!" I didn't even want to know who said it as I found them and was too embarassed. 

Update 4:

things/encounters like this have been happening to me since I was a preteen child and continue into my [precipice of middle age. I remember when I was 10 and on a roadtrip w my parents we were at some grocery store this young guy about 20 randomly pushed me for no reason, my dad yelled at him to not push me and he just stared at my dad blankly like he was challenging him. and then he walked off. why me? or does stuff like this happen to everyone?

Update 5:

why me? or does stuff like this happen to everyone? I DO have diagnosed ocd and anxiety so it makes it harder for me to forget and let go of these types of encounters, i internalize them and take them personally and believe there must be something wrong w me. I do come across as nervous to most ppl maybe that's why?I have large bright blue eyes and am a petite woman, 5'2 and 00 lbs but I don't think that has anything to do w it. i am quite attractive and am not visibly deformed at all. 

Update 6:

philosophyaddict---I did NOT "SHOVE" ANYONE OUT OF THE WAY---iM A SMALL WOMAN IF YOU CAN READ AND DONT take up much space---they were hogging the sidewalk and walking side by side, the only way past them was to walk between them, they were rude for walked side by side when it's a narrow sidewalk and they should create space for others as well. what was I supposed walk on the curb? 

Update 7:

also I know the teen girl wasn't talking about ME specifically, but she was assuming I WAS one of the ppl staring and that bothered me. I also stated I have diagnosed ocd and anxiety so it's harder for me to brush things and comments off, she thought everything was about her but I also do that too. It bothered me that she felt the need to say that when I'M walking by minding MY business. 

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Because your daughter is overweight and you're disgusting for letting it happen! You deserve this

  • 2 months ago

    It doesn't really matter.

    A lot of people are nuts anyway.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    sounds like you make way too much of this. if a teen girl said "everyone is staring at me" how do you turn that into her speaking specifically about you? and what do you mean they would not make room on the sidewalk so you had to walk between them" if you mean you rudely shoved yourself between 2 people who were walking together that's on you, not on them.

  • 2 months ago

    Doesn't matter if you're the sweetest peach, there will always be someone who doesn't like peaches. Just be yourself and focus on being grateful and happy. Don't let nobodies effect your mood. They don't feed you or pay you so don't pay em any mind. 

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