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? asked in Arts & HumanitiesBooks & Authors · 2 months ago

Why do people claim that Jesus was black and had short hair?

This had been said about Christ:

“Lentulus, the Governor of the Jerusalemites to the Roman Senate and People, greetings. There has appeared in our times, and there still lives, a man of great power (virtue), called Jesus Christ. The people call Him prophet of truth; His disciples, son of God. He raises the dead, and heals infirmities. He is a man of medium size (statura procerus, mediocris et spectabilis); He has a venerable aspect, and His beholders can both fear and love Him. His hair is of the colour of the ripe hazel-nut, straight down to the ears, but below the ears wavy and curled, with a bluish and bright reflection, flowing over His shoulders. It is parted in two on the top of the head, after the pattern of the Nazarenes. His brow is smooth and very cheerful with a face without wrinkle or spot, embellished by a slightly reddish complexion. His nose and mouth are faultless. His beard is abundant, of the colour of His hair, not long, but divided at the chin. His aspect is simple and mature, His eyes are changeable and bright. He is terrible in His reprimands, sweet and amiable in his admonitions, cheerful without loss of gravity. He was never known to laugh, but often to weep. His stature is straight, His hands and arms beautiful to behold. His conversation is grave, infrequent, and modest. He is the most beautiful among the children of men.”

13 Answers

  • Gonzo
    Lv 5
    1 month ago

    He wasn't black. Jesus Christ was white, clean and educated and didn't steal like other people. 

  • 1 month ago

    You are referring to a forgery. Get a clue. 

  • 1 month ago

    laughing at you. jesus  is not a black man. his is really a christian  white guy. and he doesnt have a black hair. he have a dark brown hair and and his 2 brothers who has also brown hairs .  maybe you should read your bible or go to church there they will tell you that iam right. 

  • 2 months ago

    Your question has nothing to do with Books and Authors. Please click on Edit, and move it to a more suitable category.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago

    As others have said, it’s a fake. The medieval equivalent of fanfiction. Jesus was a Jew. Sure he wasn’t white in the sense that Semitic people aren’t ‘white’ (though many Jewish people now have European blood due to the diaspora), but Semitic people are part of the Caucasian race, just like Iranians and Indians are. But to say a Jewish person is black is pretty insane.

  • 2 months ago

    Roman men cut their hair, so did most cultures around the Mediterranean.   People in that area were not white European heritage.  

  • ?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Revelation 1:14-15 offers a clue that Jesus's skin was a darker hue and that his hair was woolly in texture. The hairs of his head, it says, "were white as white wool, white as snow. His eyes were like a flame of fire, his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace.”

  • Huh?
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    It's obviously fake, because Jesus would not have been called the Christ during his lifetime. It's derived from the Greek work 'christos' (anointed one) but wasn't used at least until the Gospels were written in 66AD or so and onwards, well after Yeshua was executed.

  • Anonymous
    2 months ago


    Posting in the wrong forum

    Spamming the Books & Authors forum with irrelevant questions.

    Chat violation.

  • Marli
    Lv 7
    2 months ago

    Since you typed such a long quote, you should cite the source from which you took it so that it can be studied and either be proven or disproven. Did Lentulus exist, or was he made up by reddish brown haired Christians? When was he Governor of Judea (not "Jerusalemites")? Why did he not use his prenomen,  nomen and cognomen on an official report to the Senate and People of Rome as other governors did?  It is likely that the letter was made up. Other documents that appeared in the Renaissance were fakes.

    You should also refrain from asking questions about Jesus physical features - or anyone else's - in the category dedicated to Books and Authors. They are irrelevant to this category.

    Note to Anon.: I'd call it the Italian Renaissance version of faked ancient art and archeology. Such a document could be sold by the finder for a king's- or a cardinal's - treasure. 

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