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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingNewborn & Baby · 1 month ago

Mother in law wants to baby sit?

My 6 month girl has been baby sat a few times by the in laws. I put a stop to the baby sitting after I started feeling this overwhelming anger every time she offered to baby sit. It’s an uncontrollable anger, I don’t know what sparks it. 

It’s just hard for me because then I have to pump multiple bottles and I don’t have much milk supply as it is. She doesn’t take to formula, and she only has small solids at the moment. 

I trust that they will take good care of her, and they love her a lot. And I’m dying for a break, and sleep. But what is it within me that despises her every time she offers to babysit?

Should I try to let go of my “anger” and just let them baby sit? Am I rude for not letting her baby sit?

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Does your baby settle for her more than you? Does she do a better job than you because she has way more experience? Does she take out your baby and show her off to her friends as if it’s her own and takes all the credit? 

  • 1 month ago

    Think. What unresolved resentments do you harbor? Typically, that is what fuels anger.

    Maybe it reminds you that your milk supply is lower than you'd like and it may make you feel pressured or perhaps not good enough. 

    Because, mothers do need a break and sleep, you should be delighted at the babysitting offer.

    Identify your anger and work through it so you can let it go before it eats you alive.

  • 1 month ago

    Talk to a therapist and yes, let go of this anger. 

  • 1 month ago

    I get angry without knowing why too, and I stop when I first start to get angry, and see if I can figure out what triggered me. I just be still and try to re-think my last few minutes.

  • 1 month ago

    I think it would be a good idea to seek some counseling to explore why you get so angry at the suggestion of your mother in law babysitting. You trust your in-laws and you would like some support it sounds like, I wonder if you've gotten the idea that you have to have her babysit all day for it to "count" as a break or as babysitting. At six months old, it's reasonable that you'd be able to let her go to grandma's house for a couple hours without nursing. Feed her before you leave, provide grandma with a sippy cup of water and a snack (maybe that could be when she has her daily solid food?), and then go do what you'd like to do for a couple hours. There's no need to pump and leave her all day if that's not comfortable or reasonable for you. 

  • 1 month ago

    Be honest and tell her if it wasnt for the milk u wouldnt have a issue.  Also ur baby is very young maybe next year they can babysit

  • 1 month ago

    It would be helpful if you knew WHY it makes you angry. Without knowing why, it's impossible to advise you on what you "should" do or not do.

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