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Girlfriend never gives anything a chance ?

Eg, I’ll recommend we watch something like breaking bad and she’ll say no. Why don’t you want to? Because my mum wanted me to and I said no. A lot of the time it’s irrational reasons. She gave the last of us game a chance, she’s played it 2 hours (with very low effort making me do hard bits) I mean so low effort she won’t even really bother to look around just walk on the stick and walk into stuff. We’re just at the bit where you get to know the characters, granted it had a slow start but she’s already given up on it. She hasn’t even given it a chance or bothered to stay with characters. Or she’ll try learn guitar. Tries to learn one song, with minimal effort, struggle (as anyone would the first day learning guitar) ... guess what? Given up. Let’s watch this thing on North Korea this looks interesting! Nah that’s boring. It’s almost like she has no intellectual curiosity either. I feel she never puts any effort into trying new things which is why she does the same things and watches the same drama soaps all the time. She’ll go “Look I tried didn’t I?” After watching the first 10 minutes. She doesn’t force me to watch her soaps but that’s because I watch her stuff already out of respect for her, even if I’m not interested. Like how does she know she won’t like breaking bad if she has no idea what it’s about and hasn’t tried it. I guarantee it’s far more interesting and emotionally investing than some boring old soap. I understand entertainment is subjective but up to when?

6 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    It sounds as if you already have at least one foot half out the door, or even more. Does she have any positive characteristics that outweigh all your negative opinions of her?  You must have had some positive impressions, at least in the beginning, or she wouldn't have become your girlfriend in the first place.  What advice would you like? You will have to be the one to decide...stay or go.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    Why are you dating someone you don't like? You are upset that she isn't the person you want her to be. That's not her fault. This is who she is and this is as good as it gets. Cut to the chase and break up. It's selfish to keep dragging this out while silently resenting her for not meeting your expectations.

  • 1 month ago

    Some people are very comfortable with what is familiar, almost always prefer the things they're familiar with to anything new. My dad will watch the same old western movies and TV shows from the 1940s to 1970s over and over and never get tired of them. But something more recent like Deadwood or Dances With Wolves and he is hating it before 10 minutes go by. 

    I don't understand the idea that you watching TV shows you'd rather not watch is necessary, that not doing so would be disrespectful. Does she expect you to do this? Or do you volunteer? Would she be upset if you didn't? 

    There is such a thing as too much togetherness. Here are two scenarios couples need to avoid:

    "It's beautiful outside. Want to go for a walk?"

    "No thanks. Enjoy your walk."

    "Well I can't go if you won't go; it's no fun without you."

    "It's beautiful outside. Want to go for a walk?"

    "No thanks."

    "OK, I'll be back in about an hour."

    "You're going without me? I'm so hurt." 

    I suggest that you learn to enjoy what you enjoy without getting so mucking invested in enjoying it TOGETHER. 

  • 1 month ago

    Find a girlfriend with your similar interests or this relationship will eventually die out. She probably saw you as a bf because you're probably this charismatic  funny guy who attracted her attention.  I guess your gf didn't bother to think about you guys having similar interests or not . All you have to do is find a new girlfriend with  common interests and you should be perfectly fine

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    You should consider a new girlfriend, one with more similar interests to yours. 


    Your current girlfriend knows what she likes and doesn't like. 

    It is interesting though...

    that she likes you   ;)    there is no figuring females out.  You just have to roll with them and their quirks. 

  • 1 month ago

    Zzzzz zzzzzz 😴😌

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