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Sridhar asked in Social ScienceSociology · 1 month ago

Why is the racism is on so wrong?

Groups have always promoted their ways and defended against attacks. I am brown, and naturally wish the well-being of all brown people. So also my fellow blacks or whites, I presume.

My family, my species, my nation, my people.. ..

so also, my race. What is so strikingly different here?

Of course, hatred and violence is altogether different and totally wrong.

Also, how is resistance and intolerance so unnatural?

How am I wrong in not wanting adulteration of my class? Wanting to preserve one’s own clan. Attributing the reasons of one’s downfall to reasons outside oneself. Wanting to eliminate the outsider (believed to be the troublemaker).

How is any of this so unnatural? Human societies have done this from time immemorial.

While this is true all around the world, I ask this question specifically in connection with the pre-election racial riots in the US.  Unless the issues are acknowledged, addressed and resolved, the resulting violence won’t end. The deep-seated hatred and distrust will continue to simmer or erupt once in a while.The once-dominant whites will understandably hold a grudge about losing their position. Anybody else who thinks like me? 

Or who wants to tell me clearly where I am wrong?

PS: I am a non-native speaker of English so the language used maybe misleading. Also, I am from a culturally different background (with orthodox views) so our views might differ.


Note 1: My thrust is on protecting myself and not on 'persecuting others'

Note 2: I am referring to habits and culture, not 

skin color or heredity.

Update 2:

I read  an answer to another question -

There are obvious biological differences between Europeans, Africans Asians, etc. We just gave names to biological differences that already existed. The differences have developed due to thousands of years of evolution in totally different environments. There exist population clusters that differ profoundly due to varying evolutionary needs.

4 Answers

  • Bobo
    Lv 7
    1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    Everyone is racist to some extent.  You cannot mention any norms or customs of a race without offending someone.  If I say blacks are better at basketball--I will be accused of racism.  We (the human race) need to identify the cultural differences among races and put it all out in the open.  The "politically correct" way of ignoring differences is not working. 

  • 1 month ago

    Because there are no races. Racism is based on a misconception: That my skin color differentiates me from my fellow humans with different skin colors. There are no tribes other than those created by the existence of separate species. Humans are all the same species, the same tribe, the same. Nations are temporary and in constant flux. Families are temporary and in constant flux. Class is temporary and in constant flux. Species is neither temporary, nor in constant flux. There is no adulteration of class, family, tribe or race because all those things are impermanent by their nature. We are just mixing humans with other humans, so what is there to practice intolerance upon?

    That is why I think you're wrong.

    You say "My thrust is on protecting myself and not on 'persecuting others'."

    Protecting yourself from what? Persecution by others, right? So if no one is being persecuted due to their ethnicity, skin color, or cultural identity, there is no need to protect yourself.

    "I am referring to habits and culture, not skin color or heredity". That's fine, but again, habits and culture are impermanent. They are always subject to change on a constant basis. So "protecting" one's culture or habits (from change), is not only pointless and redundant, a wasted effort, it is physically and philosophically impossible.

  • Pearl
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    i think any racism is wrong

  • 1 month ago

    So, if you are happy to persecute other people based purely on the difference in skin colour,  are you happy for them to do the same?

    What if they become better at it than you?

    the Golden Rule applies here.

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