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Is your dog really your best friend?

I would much rather be around animals as I would people. A dog asks for nothing but love and gives it in return. People, including wives want to change you to suit their needs and will turn on you in a heartbeat no matter what you do for them. Other people will stab you in the back to advance themselves. 

3 Answers

  • Cathy
    Lv 7
    1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have cats. Yes, pets are great. All my cats want is food, a good window to look out of and a comfy place to sleep. And I get lots of love in return.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    We all love friends with low standards and very few needs of their own, no matter the species.

    My dog seems to like me, but it's also trapped in my house and dependent on me for food. Maybe it would go somewhere else if it had the choice. I don't know. It hasn't learned to talk yet, despite my intense and frequent efforts to teach it.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Nah dogs are stupid and a waste of time and money

    I'd rather have a cat bc they are smart and keep to themselves and are not always bothering you

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