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Is this a good idea?

I went to a midas mechanic today to get an estimate on my 2006 Jetta because i have an oil leak. After they checked what was going on they told me that its my vacuum pump and the gasket that needs to be repaired. For two of those parts their charging over 900 dollars plus labor which is over 400. So i called around for those parts and those places told told me that those parts are over 300 dollars compared to the place that charged 900. Im thinking of buying the parts myself and take it back to midas just for the labor but im afraid that tgey will find an excuse to charge alittle more.

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago
    Favorite Answer

    The first mistake was going to Midas!

    There is a very good chance you don't need  all of those parts.

    Look for a shop that uses the owners name or ask around about a good mechanic.

    Midas I am pretty sure will refuse to do the job using your parts and or will refuse to warranty the work. Worse yet is they will find something else wrong and say they can not let the car leave the shop because it is "unsafe".

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 month ago

    Avoid that shop like the plague as they are fishing for work. Ask friends, family and colleagues to recommend an honest mechanic. Never reward crooked car repair shops.

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