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? asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 month ago

Whooper Jr. without mayonnaise and ketchup?

I work at Burger King and don’t have a meal for dinner tonight. Would this be a healthy dinner meal? If not what would? Is there a side I could go with? I’m assuming fries are not an option but maybe a salad?

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 month ago

    No bun on the burger.  Lose the bread, it's one of the most  unhealthy things you can eat.  Salad would be good too.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    The BK Broiler (AKA Chicken Whopper) used to be actually healthy and tasted pretty good. I don't think the chicken sandwiches they have today are very healthy. 

    The whopper jr is over 300 calories. Even without mayo you're still looking at 250 plus which is a lot for something that isn't filling at all. 

    I would probably just get the salad. 

    Another option would be making something out of the breakfast stuff but the breakfast menus can vary so I don't know what you have. 

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