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How to download Friday Night Funkin mods?

In this example I am trying to download the Mid-Fight Masses, which consists of 2 Sarvente songs, one Ruv song and one Demon Sarvente song. 

I downloaded the mod from in 64 bit. Shortly after I downloaded the Friday Night Funkin game files onto my laptop as well. In the tutorial I watched, the woman unzipped both files, which I also did. 

Then she created a new file and labled it with the mod she was downloading, to which I did the same. She said to open the FNF file and copy everything into the new file. Then, open the mod file and copy everything specifically into the assests folder of the FNF files. 

I have tried this about 3-4 times now, each time downloading the items again because the original folders now had no content, yet when I load up the game the mod doesn’t appear, just the standard tutorial followed by the 6 original weeks.

Did I do something wrong during the process? If so what can I do differently to help the mod guide through the game smoothly so I can enjoy the wonderful perks of said mod.

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