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What are your thoughts on the NFL expanding the season to an extra game?

As expected that was announced this past Sunday, the NFL has expanded the season and all team' schedules to an extra game. So what are your thoughts of the NFL expanding the season to an extra game, for the first time since the 1978 season, and who is your NFL team, and who is the team your team will be playing in the extra game? 

12 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    I am not in favor or a big fan of this change. Now some teams will play 9 games at home and some will play 8. It is all about revenue and the all mighty dollar in the long run. I have heard this a year or so ago and the idea was to have The Super Bowl played the day before Presidents Day so many could have the next day off from work. I enjoyed the 14 game season which was last played in 1977. You had 3 division winners and 1 wild card team no byes short quick playoffs that lasted 2 weekends and then a week off for The Super Bowl. The wear and tear on the players it is too long. 

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    They cut some exhibition games so it will be the same.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    Due to the change I'm wondering if this will mean more 8-8 teams will make the wildcard and if a 7-9 tam will make the wildcard again. 

    Las Vegas Raiders they play the Chicago Bears in the last week.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Simply a power/money grab for the owners.  When wacky injuries escalate from their greed, they'll regret this move.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    They should have the same schedule as baseball players and play 162 games each year.

  • 1 month ago

    It's a start. As far as I'm concerned they should be expanding the games more and more.  Have larger rosters which can rotate to avoid injury. Make them earn their money.  

  • 1 month ago

    It's fine with me and was not a surprise. Washington will be playing at Buffalo this year which will be a tough opponent.

  • 1 month ago

    Not really sure.I know there will be more injuries.But I enjoy football and an extra week of real games sounds great.The Packers(my team) getthe Chiefs not an easy game but should be a good game

  • 1 month ago

    I think an odd number of games is stupid.  They should go to 18 or even 20.  Even with 17 the NFL is by far the shortest of the big four sports seasons.

    To mitigate the wear and tear on players, eliminate roster caps.  Let the salary cap be the way to prevent hoarding by mandating that a certain % of the cap figure for a player has to be paid out pro-rated during the offseason.  Also, initiate snap count caps per game so as to force teams to sub more which will allow young players to develop and also spare vets wear and tear on their bodies and bring injuries down.

  • 1 month ago

    I love football, so I am happy to see an extra game.  I'm an Eagles fan first (Philly born and raised) but I'm also a Cardinals fan since I moved to Phoenix in '92.  The 17th game will feature teams from opposing conferences that finished in the same place within their division the previous season, with the AFC being the home team for 2021...I like that plan personally

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