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Does anyone agree with me?

The main reason humanity is so 

primitive is because there is a 

global cover-up of technology.

We've had flying-cars, cures for every 

disease, free energy generators and 

star-trek replicators for over 100 years. 

There have been many of these such 

inventions since the 1850's (eg. Tesla)

but the Deep-State always censors them 

and assassinates their inventors. We could 

have ended world-poverty 50 years ago. The 

working-week should be 10 hours/week. NOT 50. 

Your thoughts? 


Even the History Channel talks about 

these subjects; and mentioned Tesla 

showed off his free-energy device in 

front of Congress in 1910. 

3 Answers

  • 1 month ago

    It is more that the internet is getting more technical and going backwards at the same time.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    Interesting claim.  Have you got some proof to support it?  

  • 1 month ago

    Flying cars would be a nuisance, people would throw stuff from their windows

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