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Are there people who have gotten covid after vaccines?

I heard there's lots of people who got covid even after vaccines. is that true? 

22 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    Yes, you can still catch or carry Covid, once you've had or or both vaccines.  It's just that it's very unlikely you'll end up in Hospital taking up valuable bed space.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    This shouldn't be in Games, James.

  • 4 weeks ago

    A handful of people have done so because they forgot to stay safe thinking the vaccine is a force field that protects them 100% thats simply not the case

    a lot of people dont understand that even after we get 100% vaccination well need a minimum of 2-6 months of social distancing and masks and limited exposure to insure that the vaccinations work and remove the virus as a threat

    the people getting sick disregarded the masks and just went among people who were still carrying and got infected.

    stay safe get vaccinated wear your mask and social distance for a while longer and hopefully soon well get back to a more normal life

  • 4 weeks ago

    my one of friend got covid after vaccines

  • 4 weeks ago

    Maybe put your questions in the right categories and you will findnout

    Source(s): Your doing it wrong my friend
  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Sure, I knew people that got covid after getting a flu vaccine

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 month ago

    Not lots of people get covid after they have been immunized by the vaccine.  If you give it time to work your chances of getting it are about 88% reduced.

    There's plenty of people that are going out and getting their shot and then they're going around before they've had a chance to build up immunity.

    They're already sick from the vaccine. So there is about 15% of people they can still get it after their vaccinated.

    But if you've been vaccinated it's not likely that it's going to kill you. Because you already have some immunity.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 month ago

    yes why vaccinations  only help you get the virus more mildly , they dont stop you getting it ..thinks you put to much faith in vaccines . Know vaccines stop you getting covid , seems you dont much about medicine do you .

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Remember, James, that MILLIONS of people are getting the vaccine . . . eventually hundreds of millions or even billions.  S of course, there are bound to be some cases of bad reactions or getting the virus even after vaccinated.  But the shots are valuable protection for the vast majority of folks.

  • 1 month ago

    The vaccine doesn't prevent infection, it just prepares your body to more effectively fight it off if you do get infected.  So yes, it's possible. That's why even people who have been vaccinated are encouraged to wear a mask, they could potentially infect others, although I've not heard of it happening. 

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