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? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingPregnancy · 1 month ago

Chances of getting pregnant before ovulation?

I had unprotected sex Monday night, Tuesday morning I took Plan B. I bought Clear Blue ovulation tests too. Results show Low(unlikely), high ovulation, and peak ovulation. Tuesday morning I tested Low, Wednesday I tested Low, Today I tested Peak. I took the Plan B Tuesday. Will I end up getting pregnant? Im not on anything for BC. 

2 Answers

  • 4 weeks ago

    You can get pregnant at ANY time, not just during peak ovulation, so never assume there is a safe time to have sex. And to not use any birth control is just inviting a pregnancy.

  • Anonymous
    1 month ago

    Plan B is about 85% effective.  It is suppose to delay ovulation.

    If you tested peak - it failed - you was too close to ovulation.

    SPERM CAN LIVE FOR FIVE DAYS - so if you ovulate within five days after sex, pregnancy is possible.  Right BEFORE ovulation is the BEST time to try for pregnancy since sperm can survive and wait for the egg.

    Next, plan B MIGHT stop implantation if an egg is fertilized, but that is not it's primary purpose.

    Plan B is also likely to delay your next period.

    When it has been 21 days after sex, a pregnancy test IS accurate.  Anything before that MIGHT be a false negative.

    You might end up pregnant or you might not.  Now you just need to wait and see.

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