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How do I prevent LED lights from triggering migraines?


I have a really severe case of migraine, in which they are triggered almost instantly when I use my computer or iPhone, for example. As soon as I go on my phone, I start to get a host of symptoms:

•I begin to feel a tingling/irritating sensation in my mouth area

* My left jaw area begins to jerk and feels numb

• my eyes become extremely fatigued and red (I'm pretty sure my eye bags are also caused by migraines since I get at least 8 hours of sleep every day).

• Then I will get a runny nose and a nasal congestion.

•Mild headaches

•brain fog

•difficulty speaking

•difficulty thinking/slower thinking (temporarily)

• anxiety

• depression

•massive face inflammation (which I recently discovered is why i have acne, especially around my mouth)


And the list goes on... Does anyone have an idea of how I can prevent migraines while I use electronics? I bought there specs glasses, but they are not really helping. The allay lamp did help a bit, and Excedrin significantly decreased the symptoms, but I want to completely prevent all of the symptoms—without having to avoid electronics because that is just not possible in the 21st century. I have not tried any other medications, but I have an appointment with my physician soon. In the meantime, I would greatly appreciate any helpful answers or ideas that could help. Thank you. 


I have to use them currently because I am a full-time college student which is online. And I also trade cryptocurrencies as my income/hobby. 

2 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    just dont use them

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Get a better phone with less flicker.

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