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? asked in Family & RelationshipsFamily · 4 weeks ago

Who's your most annoying relative.?

24 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago

    Sister. Angry mean woman. 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    Madeleine, my sister. She is annoying but also EVIL

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Definitely my father and my brother. They're that type "woman have to do all the housework" yet still think we should work as much and provide as much. Also refuse to clean after themselves, nor serve their own ******* plates, nor schedule their own ******* appointments, nor grocery shop, anything really. Hate their asses, not even going to lie. And my dad's pretty verbally abusive. Was physically abusive for a good while til, I was probably 17, getting my butt beaten with the mop stick and I accidentally yanked it from him with the full intention of hitting him right back, but I didn't. Ended up handing it right back. Funny thing though is, my brother is super spoiled by my father and that idiot treats my dad like literal ****. I am my dad's least favorite, and he's pretty obvious about it, but damn lol my brother had no problem flipping him off and shouting f*** you b**** over and over while we had guests over.  They get along, but when having a tantrum, bro don't give two f****. And he's 24 now. He pulled that flipping off stunt just last month. Welp, father sure chose his ones huh? Lol op, gotta add too... apparently my father is this way, because it's the same way he was treated by his dad, my grandfather, and I've seen my dad's *** drunk, at 40years old, crying about how badly they treated him, how they never loved him, how he was the least liked and how he never heard his dad tell him he loved him.....yet he turns around and pulls this crap. Lmao and that same night! Same ******* night, in full blown tears, caught me staring at him (I felt his pain lol I was like "my poor dad" truly feeling sorry) and dude started calling me all these ugly names, shouting at me "wtf are you looking at me you f******* b****...🙃like damn okay lol...okay okay I'll stfu now

    Source(s): 😬
  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    My sister Madeleine. She is a product of Satan. 

  • 4 weeks ago

    My granny she’s annoying and combative who repeats herself. She got a disability dementia and Alzheimer’s 

  • 4 weeks ago

    Cousin’s wife is a narcissistic selfish manipulative vain manipulator that’s right I said it twice no mistake!!! Plus she’s also ugly 

  • 4 weeks ago

    Can I say mother in law? lol 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Most of my father's side of the family I can't stand with good reason.  They steal rape and have even been locked up for murder.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    my brothers, when my twin sister died they refused to go to the funeral thanks to covid,i  couldnt bear to go alone so i didnt go, they never call to ask me if im okay or if i need to talk, totally ignored me, then one of them gets married and dont invite me to his wedding , let alone tell me about it, i saw it on facebook which is how i found out, theyre the most annoying relatives, i feel like disowning them

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    All of them because I hate my useless family!

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