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Do you think the death of George Floyd was accidental ?

Any individual who is high on illegal drugs etc. must accept the consequences of being injured by law enforcement which occurred in this case when arrest was being attempted, the victim failed to yield he bears the full brunt of accidental death. The method of restraint (accidental choking) should not be made the subject of this officers behavior. 

29 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    @Anonymous: He would have died anyway. Floyd couldn't breath before he was taken back out of the police car and already needed medical attention. The issue is that cops deal with suspects pretending they can't breath all the time and have no way of knowing if a suspect is lying or not. 

    What really happened is that the officer is not medically trained and couldn't tell if Floyd was lying about not being able to breath when still in the police car. If he was faking the whole thing as the officer suspected Floyd would have lived, but he wasn't.


    Floyd's death was a consequence of a medical condition that didn't get medical attention in time to save him. Yes, the cops misdiagnosed the situation due to coming across too many suspects that lie about such things, but the death is not their fault. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    First off.... WRONG. Regardless of how high or not a suspect is, it's never ok for a police officer to use excesdive force. The initial use of force where officer Chauvin restrained and cuffed Floyd was a perfectly fine, legitimate use of force. The part i take issue with is, you already have him cuffed, on the ground and  Incapacitated. Take your ******* knee off the mans necklaces, put it squarely in the center of his back, and guess what? He doesn't die, and we dont have to waste potentially millions of dollars having a trial,televising the trial, and covering the trial. TLDR:  Want to manage restrained in coffee don't need to keep your knee on his Goddamn neck. Accidental??? I think not. Full on murder? No. This is a case of a police officer using very very poor judgment, and not following his training. Manslaughter 1.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    Not accidental when you shut off their air way for over 9 minutes. George was handcuffed & belly down, repeating that he couldn't breathe, but Chauvin continued with unnecessary force.

  • 4 weeks ago

    No because the officer relentlessly did whatever he could to murder George Floyd

  • ?
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    I think it was a challenge for both of them almost like daring each other and Floyd was bound to lose.

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    He was pumped full of drugs that didn't help, besides what do people really care about a druggies and convict when many good people die and nothing reported about it,, all about pushing the race card to we american's 

  • 4 weeks ago

    Did Floyd start the mess by passing a counterfeit bill? Apparently so. Had he been taking drugs? Yes. Did he resist arrest when caught by the police? Absolutely. Were 4 police officers sufficient to prevent escape? Wisthout a doubt. Did they cuff his ankles? No. Would restricting oxygen to the body/brain along with blood flow within the brain cause death of a typical citizen in 9 minutes? Without question. Is there a death penalty associated with passing a conterfeit bill, being high on drugs or resisting arrest?. Absolutely not. Did the victim and multiple onlookers repeatedly plead with the officer to remove his knee from the victim's neck, i.e., was he aware of what he was doing? No doubt about it. The prisons are full of people who committed crimes far less egregious than those of the officer.  He's a bad apple, and belongs in prison. Period.

  • Mike L
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    No, we watched a murder if you saw it on video. 

  • Anonymous
    4 weeks ago

    Very quasi-intellectual and poorly written.  No, I don't think George Floyd's death was accidental.

  • Ivan
    Lv 6
    4 weeks ago

    Sure it was. That cop never intended for him to die.

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