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Anonymous asked in Computers & InternetHardwarePrinters · 4 weeks ago

Why won't my printer print GIFs properly?

14 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    3 weeks ago

    Because you're not smart enough to print each animation then flip the pages?

  • 3 weeks ago

    Generally printers gifted to you are crap. Buy a real printer yourself like a man. 

  • 3 weeks ago

    did you make sure the gif was a moving one not just a picture labeled gif?

  • 3 weeks ago

    An animated GIF is a series of images being shown one by one very fast to show motion. You surely didn't expect your printer to print a GIF and that the GIF would move in the paper?

  • 3 weeks ago

    GIF is more like a series of images than a single image. You must first extract the image you want from the GIF, then save it (as a JPEG or PNG file), and finally print it.

  • 3 weeks ago

    depends on the gif, not the printer

  • ?
    Lv 5
    3 weeks ago

    A GIF that is a "movie" consists of multiple single images with almost no time between the change in image.

    Printing only prints one of these images and there is no way your printer is going to print a moving image.

    Some single images can also be in GIF format as opposed to Jpeg or PSD or some such.

  • 4 weeks ago

    Why do trolls keep asking the same stupid question. Maybe, they have too much time on their hands.

  • 4 weeks ago

    It WILL, troll.

  • Petter
    Lv 7
    4 weeks ago

    It's probably an analogue printer...

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